How important is the proper Wiimote strap??


Got Wii???
Dec 7, 2007
IDK, possibly Wiiville.
Is the wii incidents really that bad ???? Like i see wiimotes flying through windows because they got a little :mad: at it???? When a wiimote drops beacause it said so on smooth moves??????:confused:
how important is a new strap or no strap at all?????:tard:
I have to diasgree with skidmarx. Even if you aren't a total clutz, you should keep it on. It's really not that uncomfortable and there is always a chance that you might let go.
As long as you are careful and you do not wave the Wiimote around like a maniac, you should be fine. :lol:
I still have the original Wiimote straps and I have not dropped or thrown my Wiimote once.
I've never had an accident either.
My mom even played, and whenever she played tennis she kept creeping closer to the screen after swinging :lol:

She didn't let go or hit the tv.

Just be careful, and remember you don't need to swing really hard.

Wrist straps are only for getting used to the controller really, after you have done it for a while you don't need to wear it really.
Not extremely important, unless you're out of control with your playing......if you're playing Wii Sports and get into it a bit too much, it could go flying..otherwise, no biggie :)
I would suggest the strap for ages 7 and under. I've seen a few wiimotes come very close to some nice Just hold onto the damn thing. Not that hard, especially with those new, free gel covers. Those things grip the hand pretty good.
I wear the strap all the time, just for safety measures. but even with it on ive never dropped\thrown it before, itd be hard to intentionally anyway, as mentioned the gel casing has a strong grip, ive hit it off a wall though xD cause my back was to a wall though and i swung a lil crazy. no damage thx to the casing though :p

In the middle of a game i hardly notice the strap, you dont even need the strap that tight
I always have my Wii Strap on. The only time I don't use it.. is if I go on the Mii Channel.. Or any other channels. Or, I play Super Mario Galaxy.. (games that don't involve throwing, and stuff) Lol.
I have the new straps
However my straps have been removed for ages. Only Idiots let go of the Wiimote.
And I will ALWAYS stick by that statment
With the wrist strap and Wiimote glove that are provided there is no chance of breaking anything.

I only use the strap when playing an energetic type of game and its never come out of my hand. I did hit the table and knock a glass over once when bowling, i had just been telling my friend the importance of Wiimote safety when i did it too so they found it funny.

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