DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Oct 27, 2013 #46 The more things change, the more they stay the same Sad thing is the Wii U HAS NO GAME!!
Splash_King The Scrubbiest of Hunters Jan 25, 2009 16,385 13 Nimbasa City Wii Online Code 0129-0129-0129-0129 Oct 27, 2013 #47 T' be fair, the U's library is faring a tad better than the Wii's first year of releases... in the way'a third party, anyways. Ninty's consistent at the very least. Don't recall the 'Cube havin' the greatest launch titles neither.
T' be fair, the U's library is faring a tad better than the Wii's first year of releases... in the way'a third party, anyways. Ninty's consistent at the very least. Don't recall the 'Cube havin' the greatest launch titles neither.
DG~X Dont read this. Jul 13, 2009 1,317 0 The Earth. Wii Online Code 1923-6615-4080-7852 Nov 8, 2013 #48 I miss ssbfreakck and DarkPrinny i wonder where they went..