How has PBR Turned Out?


WiiChat Member
Jun 11, 2007
Im in the UK, so i dont know how good the new pokemon game is. Is it any fun? And more importantly, hows the online feature?

Id like some comments on graphics, gameplay, single and multiplayer, and of course online play.

I just got it so I havent really done much yet but I have to say its pretty good. The graphics are pretty good the people I think look better than the pokemon. Some Pokemon look really bad like one time I was fighting Butterfree and its wings dissapeared.

Single plyaer is really easy but I like it because all im playing it for is to unlock stuff and get money. I havent done multiplayer and online is good. Finding an opponent is fast and easy and there hasnt been any lag yet.
Pokemon_Master1001 said:
kinda it took awhile to to get to the moves but not to long like a minute and i think its because the person was in europe or something??lol

Oh yeah I forgot to put that but it usualy was pretty quick for the 5 battles I did.

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