How hard will it be to get a wii after xmas? (UK)

After Christmas the rush will go down.

I'd still put your name down in a shop so you get it in the early January system.
toggle vs macmee FLAMEWARS!! :devil:

Wii wont be in stores til feb...

I'm off on holiday to australia for a month so my wii will just be sitting in my room doing nothing. Thought about taking it - but the weather is too nice there to sit in playing computer games...
Hmm...I don't know about in the UK, but you may have some luck shipping one in from the US. My parents had my brother pick mine up upstate, but I know all major retailers around here are out til' next year. Sorry if there are typoes, typed on my PSP.
hmm in aus you can walk into any shop and buy one whenever, i layby'd one thinking i would miss out and i went down today to tell kmart i would be getting it next wednesday or maybe tomorrow and they had 3 on a shelf, 4 behind the counter and more coming in so easy to get here... lolz
toggle said:
So you never cared yet you wrote posts in the past saying how annoyed you was you wasn't getting one? You're such a hypocrite.

The only person acting as a 10 year old here is actually you, but that's probably because you are as your writing style obviously reflects this. Go cry to your parents and stop flaming these forums; no-one needs someone like you giving out so called advice.

And for the record, yes I do blame this perticular problem on my family and its hardly greedy. It's not as if I asked for money or demanded something, all I wanted to was buy a wii but was restricted by lies. Learn to read and stop being a twat and grow up.

Edit: Avis, I probably will wait now until after xmas as your right.

You think I'm a bad writer, my SPELL CHECK picked up errors in your posts. Blaming your family still now are you? Looks like someone didn't get their nap today.

And no, you didn't ask for money, you just asked for a PRESENT TO GET BEFORE CHRISTMAS, even if you are paying for it and it sucks, GROW UP. Not much people care about some other persons problems. "restricted by lies"? Sounds like someone has been using a theorist. Sounds like bull to me, I couldn't get a wii so I called 7 stores every 3 hours for a couple weeks. Thats what you should be doing instead of crying about your problems and bickering to us.
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macmee said:
You think I'm a bad writer, my SPELL CHECK picked up errors in your posts. Blaming your family still now are you? Looks like someone didn't get their nap today.

And no, you didn't ask for money, you just asked for a PRESENT TO GET BEFORE CHRISTMAS, even if you are paying for it and it sucks, GROW UP. Not much people care about some other persons problems. "restricted by lies"? Sounds like someone has been using a theorist. Sounds like bull to me, I couldn't get a wii so I called 7 stores every 3 hours for a couple weeks. Thats what you should be doing instead of crying about your problems and bickering to us.

For the record I never said my writing had correct spellings or grammar. I just said by looking at your writing style it showed your age. Seriously what civilised human being uses the word "boo hoo" in a argument apart from a retard.

And yes, I did ask a wii for christmas because that’s what you usually do; ask for a (let me quote you) a "present to get BEFORE christmas" - your such a dumbass you know that?

I came on here asking for advice and for discussion hence the reason for this thread, also the reason for this website. I can't go looking for wii's until after christmas so I was asking if their availability will increase; not some shitty reply from you which didn’t help at all.

And by the way, how the hell do you (let me quote you again) "has been using a theorist". Seriously, do you even know what that word means?! If you meant to say thesaurus, you’re the one that needs to look in it; and at the same time pick up a dictionary. While your there, look up theorist.
Wow that really sucks, but I've heard that Nintendo plans to release a lot of Wii's in the new year, I don't have link but im hoping someone will confirm it with a link?
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Hmm, im not sure..

I think the ebay sales will come down a little though because of it being after christmas.

Just really needing peoples advice from the Uk. I haven't really looked to see how the stock limits are so I don't know where the best place is to buy from and who has stock ect.
toggle said:
For the record I never said my writing had correct spellings or grammar. I just said by looking at your writing style it showed your age. Seriously what civilised human being uses the word "boo hoo" in a argument apart from a retard.

And yes, I did ask a wii for christmas because that’s what you usually do; ask for a (let me quote you) a "present to get BEFORE christmas" - your such a dumbass you know that?

I came on here asking for advice and for discussion hence the reason for this thread, also the reason for this website. I can't go looking for wii's until after christmas so I was asking if their availability will increase; not some shitty reply from you which didn’t help at all.

And by the way, how the hell do you (let me quote you again) "has been using a theorist". Seriously, do you even know what that word means?! If you meant to say thesaurus, you’re the one that needs to look in it; and at the same time pick up a dictionary. While your there, look up theorist.

my **** spell check changed it to theorist. Look, when ever I say it auto changes it..

Anyway I don't really think what you said insulted anyone but yourself, all I read was a load of crap.
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macmee said:
my **** spell check changed it to theorist. Look, when ever I say it auto changes it..

Anyway I don't really think what you said insulted anyone but yourself, all I read was a load of crap.

Aww, blaming your spelling now on the spell check. Maybe if you wasn't so dumb you might be able to spell the word correctly in the first place.

That was a pretty poor comback there macmee, I'm guessing since you told me to grow up twice already it will be a bit worn to use it once again. Hope you can go back to your thesaurus and find a long clever word to use on me. It's a shame you had to give up and loose so early in the flaming, I was having so much fun.
toggle said:

Im really upset as because of my family I do not have a wii, and I will not have one at christmas. This is due to them saying not to pre-order one as I might have one for christmas but all along I wasn't planned to be bought one. Now because of them; I will be paying the inflated prices on ebay just to get hold of one.

Does anyone know if the wii will be much easier to get hold of after xmas in the UK at the shops? And where is my best bets of getting one.

If you have the money ring your local GAME in the morning and see if they have any stock. I didnt pre order and thats what I did today and i'm now a proud owner of a wii, wii play and zelda!!

GAME gave me a ticket and I just came back when the delivery was in and picked one up.
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Ah cool, I'll give them a call. I'm a member with Game and have been for about 4 years at least.
Oh, I'm not flamming, im just stiring up some fun..

these forums have nothing else but arguing so its fun.

Oh yeah, third time "Grow up"

when I look at your posts, mainly the first one, where you said "heyya" or something gay like that, it reminded me of the word ass.

Oh yeah, I never thought of saying any "comebacks" I'm just going on about your being greedy, I will stop this conversation if I want to, Or you can, I don't care, Because i just think its funny that you thought I was throughing comebacks at you, HA! Thats like admiting its easy to make you look like a dick (witch is is by the way).

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