How early to wait outside a store(best buy) on the 17th?

i eat nintendo wiis

WiiChat Member
Sep 16, 2006
Hi all,

I'm going to head on over to Best Buy this weekend early in the morning to grab a Wii. My question is, how early do you think I need to show?

Please don't write, "how are we supposed to know?" because all i'm looking for is a general rule of thumb. do you suggest I camp overnight? Or wake up at 3 in the morning?

When I got mine on 11/26, I got to Best Buy at 8:00am for their 10am opening (Sunday). I could have waited until at least 9:30 to get there, and I would have still gotten one (they got 45 that day).
My mom and I are waking up at 3:00 and going. I think that should be early enough. If not, I won't be getting a Wii. :(

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