How does the "Wii-mote" charge?

ABC said:
:lol: At least someone on here understands half the **** I post. Most of the people on here are either A.) too stupid or B.) too young... and stupido.
its just hard to tell if theres sarcasm if we cant hear you
you know what im saying?
To be honest, I found most chargers that come with systems or units to be a bit sad. My reason for saying this is because they take forever to charge usually in the hour(s).

My Energizer charger does it in 15 minutes. Now if Nintendo can come out with one faster, I'd consider one.
xbandaidx said:
To be honest, I found most chargers that come with systems or units to be a bit sad. My reason for saying this is because they take forever to charge usually in the hour(s).

My Energizer charger does it in 15 minutes. Now if Nintendo can come out with one faster, I'd consider one.
15 minutes for a full charge is pretty hard to beat can you give me a link to those ones?
I have no problem with the Battery system, i have rechargables. And im gonna be getting more at discount prices for ultimate WiiAciton. YEEAAHHHHH BOIII!
ABC said:
:lol: At least someone on here understands half the **** I post. Most of the people on here are either A.) too stupid or B.) too young... and stupido.

Im probably one of the most sarcastic people alive, therefore its easy for me to tell when someone else is being sacastic. I love it :D
Pecky said:
Im probably one of the most sarcastic people alive, therefore its easy for me to tell when someone else is being sacastic. I love it :D

:lol: As am I man. Especially when it comes to stupid people... which we seem to have an excess amount here.
ABC said:
:lol: At least someone on here understands half the **** I post. Most of the people on here are either A.) too stupid or B.) too young... and stupido.

i understood it lol, but yea ur right cuz i use sarcasm alot too and many people, in reply not understanding the sarcasm would say something similar to....*i think that he was talking about a charging station or an adaptor not batteries you moron* lol but in reality they were the moron for not realizing good humor, happens to me all the time....