How Do You Play VC Games?


WiiChat Member
Jan 8, 2007
I bought Super Mario 64 and I dont know where to play it. Please help. Im waiting for a reply after I type this. So respond quick please.
wowilookgood said:
If I re-download will it take another 1000?

No, it should say 'Downloaded' on the mario 64 button in wii shop channel, and you should be able to redownload for free.
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It says I can redownload but will it take 1000 more points? I want to know for sure.
NO! It says right in the instructions manual you keep it forever! That means unless Nintendo disappears that game will be downloadable free forever once you bought it.
sagema said:
That means unless Nintendo disappears that game will be downloadable free forever once you bought it.

It won't be dowloadable forever even if Nintendo is still around. It is only re-downloadedable as long as Nintendo provides a network supported by the Wii to download content such as VC games.

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