how do you fight in games like MK:A and DBZ:BT2


game junkie
Aug 27, 2006
Wii Online Code
does anyone know how you can fight in DBZ or mortal kombat with the motion sensing technology of the Wii-mote?
It's a pretty big mystery at the moment for MK:A. But I'd guess for DBZ you might move the wii-mote in the motion of a chahamahar (hows that spelt) and it does one?
yea gayballz uses the wiimote, but i REALLY think mk:A uses gv remote, but the game sucks, mk just isn't good in 3d...infact a bunch of games arn't. but hey wtf can we do right? it has like 60 characters and its very limited and crappy and glitchy and ew
I was under the impression that DBZ gave you the option to use either the Wii-mote or the GC controller. I hope so, as I had a chance to play Budokai Tenkaichi on a friends PS2, and despite the useless controllers, it was very cool. I'm almost tempted to get it for the Wii.
NeMeZyZ said:
yea gayballz uses the wiimote, but i REALLY think mk:A uses gv remote, but the game sucks, mk just isn't good in 3d...infact a bunch of games arn't. but hey wtf can we do right? it has like 60 characters and its very limited and crappy and glitchy and ew

i know thats your opinion, but he is just asking on how the controls work, not on your opinion of the game
WOOW tht video was amazing

theres too many games, but too little money
In that video I like the way they have used the WiiMote but the game is the only thing that doesnt interest me, never been a big DBZ fan
im not bothered about DBZ , its a bit... ya kno.

But im dissapointed that MK:A isnt Wii controls because it would be great if it was.
November 20th DBZ BT2 release date? Does that mean Australia will get it on launch day? I just watched that video, and I want it now. BT1 was really awesome.
stu said:
WOOW tht video was amazing

theres too many games, but too little money

I feel the exact same way. I want all the wii games so far (except for some of the ubi soft ports) but i wasent interested in this until i watched that video. My friend is a huge fan of the games and he always bets me when we play the other ones cause i only play them occasonaly with him. mabye when this comes out ill be able to finaly beat him haha:lol: but back on topic. I think that MK will use the classic controler wich will also be used for smash bros. Some people dont think this is good but personaly i think a game like smash bros is too fast paced to use the wiimote. not to say that the wiimote will be hard to use i just dont think it sutits fighting games.
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I think Wiimote suits fast fighting games just fine. Dbz video showed that all basic stuff that are normaly done with one button or one directional are still done so:

Basic momement: Still analog pad
Basic melee attack: Still one button
Basic energy attack: Still one button

Things where it seems that dbz uses motion is to replace those nasty really long button/directional combos for special moves (I personaly love this I hate to spend time to perfect a button combo), Vertical movement (Normaly button directional combo taking both hands to make now doable with one hand though I admit response is most likely bit slower on this one) and dash (normaly double tap on directional or directional button combo I think this is greatly better than double tap it's not nearly as strange and it's about as fast to do)

(For next part I disregard sensors of wiimote totaly and consentrate on conventional stuff)
So if only thing in this case is slower to make with wiimote than with normal pad how is it not fit for fast fighting. Wiimote with addon has analog stick and 4 easily used buttons on it's own witch is about all you need to make fighting game controls for 3d fighter. For 2d sideview it's a bit diffrent I atleast like to use digital pad for 2d fighting games and I think for wiimote even if you turn it sideways is not optimal (only 2 buttons).

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