Fighting games


WiiChat Member
Feb 17, 2009
Will there ever come good fighting games for the Wii besides SSBB:mad5:.Games like Tekken,Street Fighter,Mortal Kombat,Soul Calibur?
Tekken = Get a Playstation
Street fighter = 2 is on the VC (as well as the others in the "2" seres)
Mortal Kombat is on the Wii
There is a Soul Caliber but its Soul Caliber in name/character only but there still is number two on the Gamecube

There are also a few SNK fighting games on there but there a bit of a pointless buy as theres collections with most SNKs fighters on
There is a Guilty Gear game on the Wii but its by no means a beginners game

Any way a bit of google action found this list (a few have been edited out)

Out of all the ones listed go for Bleach (LOOK BLEACH FANS SOMETHING I LIKE ABOUT IT), Guilty gear, King of the figthers, Samurai showdown and maybe punch out
That Tatsunoko vs Capcom would be recomended but it seems to be Japan only
Naruto Clash of Ninja Revoltion 2 is the BEST FIGHTING GAME ON Wii (yes that includes brawl). It has a deep combat system that includes chakra balancing, in game obstacles, stage transitions, and a decent combo system. It has a ton of replay value (I've logged 35 hours and counting) I bought it the first week it came out (I sold Brawl to pay for it) and I haven't regretted it since. Even if you have never seen an episode of Naruto in your life you can still love this game.
Naruto Clash of Ninja Revoltion 2 is the BEST FIGHTING GAME ON Wii (yes that includes brawl). It has a deep combat system that includes chakra balancing, in game obstacles, stage transitions, and a decent combo system. It has a ton of replay value (I've logged 35 hours and counting) I bought it the first week it came out (I sold Brawl to pay for it) and I haven't regretted it since. Even if you have never seen an episode of Naruto in your life you can still love this game.

King of the fighters 98 is on that King of the fighters collection that still remains one of the best that is on the Wii
Looking forward to TMNT: Smash Up. It's suppose to be more like the comics, but I see they don't all have red headbands. Maybe it'll be a costume choice. But I doubt the game will have blood and cursing like the comics.

Also have been eyeing that Castlevania game. Is it any good?
Will there ever come good fighting games for the Wii besides SSBB:mad5:.Games like Tekken,Street Fighter,Mortal Kombat,Soul Calibur?

Tekken sucks.
Mortal Kombat sucks.
Soul Calibur is mediocre(with the dreamcast and gamecube versions being the best).
Street Fighter is awesome. Too bad Street Fighter 4 isn't compatible with the Wii.

I hate people with poor taste.

As for the fighting games worth checking out or buying.

1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl- The simplest mechanics, introducing a unique twist as a platformer.

2) Samurai Showdown 1 & 2- One of the earliest weapon based fighting games out there. I suggest Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.

3) King of Fighter Series- Where as Street Fighter had the crazy-ass characters, SNK developed this game to by more technical. Also, unlike the Street Fighter series, SNK made sure there were bouncing boobies.

4) Street Fighter 2 series- Always a classic.

5) Guilty Gear series- They age so well.

6) Punch-Out- I never personally considered this a fighting game. It is more of an Action game. Still kicks ass none the less.

7) Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes: Basically Marvel vs Capcom 2 mechanics.

There also a bunch of other Retail and Virtual Console releases out there.
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3)SNK made sure there were bouncing boobies.

7) Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes: Basically Marvel vs Capcom 2 mechanics.
3)Un less you where in the US

7) Needs more characters that people know

But isnt Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the Game cube?
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Tekken sucks.
Mortal Kombat sucks.
Soul Calibur is mediocre(with the dreamcast and gamecube versions being the best).
Street Fighter is awesome. Too bad Street Fighter 4 isn't compatible with the Wii.

I hate people with poor taste.

As for the fighting games worth checking out or buying.

1) Super Smash Bros. Brawl- The simplest mechanics, introducing a unique twist as a platformer.

2) Samurai Showdown 1 & 2- One of the earliest weapon based fighting games out there. I suggest Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.

3) King of Fighter Series- Where as Street Fighter had the crazy-ass characters, SNK developed this game to by more technical. Also, unlike the Street Fighter series, SNK made sure there were bouncing boobies.

4) Street Fighter 2 series- Always a classic.

5) Guilty Gear series- They age so well.

6) Punch-Out- I never personally considered this a fighting game. It is more of an Action game. Still kicks ass none the less.

7) Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes: Basically Marvel vs Capcom 2 mechanics.

There also a bunch of other Retail and Virtual Console releases out there.

I have SSBB 1 of da best games i've ever played,But i hate how the Wii has very little fighting games and shooters which are my favorite genres.Only heard of Punchout,and King Of Fighters the rest probably suck except SF2.

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