How are you Paying for your WII?

Cash baby! A good chunk of it came from leftover student loan money, but the rest of it is good old fashioned saving.

I've actually played pool(billiards for you over the ocean people) for most of the game stash... That's pretty much all I do besides the fulltime college thing...
The console is a birthday gift but I'm paying for everything extra, including games, with money I've saved up.
Im selling my psp and hopefully ill get some dough off relatives for xmas and my b-day so i can get a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!

And m7ticalm, go on tell us!!
I'm paying €500 for my wii and zelda and wii play and nunchuk and mabye something else and my mums buying me a game or two for christmas.
Use my 'Game Stash' which I started saving when I heard about the PS3. Then I heard about the Wii and I decided to change it to the 'Wii Stash'. Currently got just over £1200 in there.... but I need that to cover everything. I impulse buy a lot.
im paying with cash lol, i put down my £20 deposit and have £230 to spendon the console and other stuff, then at xmas i can get more games plus some games will be second hand by xmas so their is no point getting loads of games. anyway i still have to wait till 8-dec 06 to get my hands on a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aghhhhhhhhhhhh how can i wait!!!!!!!!!
Heh, only 12 days for me!! :D

I dont know if i can even wait that long.... o_O