I've actually played pool(billiards for you over the ocean people) for most of the game stash... That's pretty much all I do besides the fulltime college thing...
Use my 'Game Stash' which I started saving when I heard about the PS3. Then I heard about the Wii and I decided to change it to the 'Wii Stash'. Currently got just over £1200 in there.... but I need that to cover everything. I impulse buy a lot.
im paying with cash lol, i put down my £20 deposit and have £230 to spendon the console and other stuff, then at xmas i can get more games plus some games will be second hand by xmas so their is no point getting loads of games. anyway i still have to wait till 8-dec 06 to get my hands on a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aghhhhhhhhhhhh how can i wait!!!!!!!!!