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WiiChat Member
Oct 15, 2007
Hi thought i would sign up and see if i could get some answers to my wii problems.

My USB WiFi connector will not connect to the internet and im not sure why. It wont work in vista anymore or Xp. Any help would be appreciated.
hey buddy! Welcome to the forums! Remember to follow the forum rules and you'll make out just fine.

To your problem, i believe you have to download software first. i think mine came with a CD. not sure.
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I have put the software on and still wont connect we even tried it on another computer. i think it doesnt like me. It worked till a week ago then just decided to say NO
Skittles said:
I have put the software on and still wont connect we even tried it on another computer. i think it doesnt like me. It worked till a week ago then just decided to say NO

You have broadband internet, right? (DSL or Cable Internet). If you do, does your Wii/DS detect the USB at all? How far is your computer to the Wii/DS?

Oh and welcome WiiChat! Enjoy your stay.

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