nintendo wi fi on windows vista?


WiiChat Member
Feb 22, 2007
has any one gotten there wifi usb connector to work on vista??? i got al lthe drivers downloaded but can get the program working any help would be appreciated thanks! (i have home basic if that has anything to do with it)
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well when i go to open the wifi program to grant my wii permission to connect it just closes then a box shows up saying windows had a error with this program and is now looking for a solution ...but it dosent find a solotion
Lol Vista blows ATM. Should have waited to get it. Soon hopefully they will get all the bugs out. Quick question though what games does it come with? Does still come with the regular minesweeper and pinball?
yes i had the problem, i used vista just b4 xmas, downloadin version of course, because vista isnt fully loaded yet, it wont work with it, I would not use vista yet till theres a patch out for it.
But if ya get a wireless router it will cure the problem anyhow
comes with all ms games pinball minesweeper hearts solitaire spider solitauite that chinnese tile game, and this wierd kid 1
Did you try to run it under the Windows XP compatible mode? I don't have Vista in front of me, but if you right click on the program icon and go to properties, I think there is a compatibility tab, where you can set the program to be compatible with a previous version of Windows. I am not familiar with the Wii USB WiFi connector, but I am pretty sure you should also be able to manually configure the connection. However, if you are not sure on how to do it, then it is best for you not to touch it.

Also, if you have an XP disk or image, you can run VMWare or Microsoft VirtualPC and emulate XP on top of Vista, and then use your USB WiFi adapter on the virtual machine. The better way to do things is of course through a standalone WiFi router.
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yeah i changed the combatibility and i dont have a xp disk i just boguht a new cpu with vista already on it ill just wait untill theres a patch for it thanks anyways! my vista is home basic the other versions have better games mine has hearts, freecell, minesweeper, purple place, solitar, and spider solitare, the other versions have that plus chess titans, inkball and...i dunno probably more

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