hot springwater quest


WiiChat Member
Jan 3, 2007
Wii Online Code
Well ive been playing zelda and I got stuck on something thats rather stupid. When I talk to the goron that says If i had some hotspring water maybe I could mive these rocks (something like that) and I hav the hot spring water but I keep giving it to myself:shocked: Can anyone tell me what Im doing wrong because I just dont know what to do! Sorry ifthis sounds like a stupid question.
You should get the springwater from the Goron in the street near Telma's bar. When you've got it, just walk up to the Goron by the rocks and he'll smell it on you.
If the Goron in the street doesn't have any springwater, there's a whole load of stuff you need to do first.
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The goron is selling hot spring water in the town and ive bought it but when i talk to the one by the rocks he just says the same thing even when I have the water.
that's not the way of getting the water, the water needs to be in a big old keg and you get it in Kakariko Village..the old Goron in front of the shop gives it to you and tells you to walk all the way from there to the Goron in the bridge..what you need to do in order to get it safely without enemies attacking and breaking the keg, is to walk in the right edge of the field until you get it to the Goron in the bridge
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Actually I got it now I guess I had to set it to B. I had it on left or something. I guess it was just a matter of trying things :p
lol, actually that was one of the things I had the most trouble with in the entire game. Figuring out how to make that encounter work was more difficult than some of the minigames.

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