Horror Fanatics

I like Horror a lot to. To bad nothing scares me :scared: The thing I hate about todays horror is that its just blood and gore like saw, halloween remake, OR it's remakes. I like Movies like the original Halloween which focus on character development and suspense rather than cheap scares.
The main issue with horror films I find today is whether remakes are any good. There's the original films by studios like Universal from the '20s to the '60s, then you get the remakes by the likes of Hammer and some of Carpenter's stuff in the '70s and '80s. Then there's horror films made in the '70s and '80s that are being remade now.

I've stayed away from remakes of horror films from the '70s and '80s thus far because I don't want to be disappointed, like I have been with American remakes of Asian horror films. Should I take the plunge?
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I always prefered psychological horrors to anything else. Although classic style can also be quite fun.

One sub-genre I'm not into is Slashers. They all seem very samey.
I like horror. Both actual horror, and the horror that is just plain stupid (e.g. The Reeker and The Wishmaster series).

I love Saw. It's so good. I didn't know there was an announced Saw 4! That's going to be great!

One image that stays in my head is the machine that was used on the main guy's dead son's killer. Ahh it was creepy but sooo cool.
For me, I like those that scare you and make you think.

Silence of the lambs for example, one of my all time favourite's.

Anthony Hopkins portrayal of Dr.Lector was amazing.
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AndThen? said:
I like horror. Both actual horror, and the horror that is just plain stupid (e.g. The Reeker and The Wishmaster series).

I love Saw. It's so good. I didn't know there was an announced Saw 4! That's going to be great!

One image that stays in my head is the machine that was used on the main guy's dead son's killer. Ahh it was creepy but sooo cool.

yeah it was announce ages ago like january, but still it wasnt very public, but the first sort of clip from it leaked on the internet a while ago you can see t on youtube, its got like to guys, one with his eyes stitched, one with his mouth stitched, and the try to kill each other lol, its released 26th october (or around that time)

plus thanks youv reminded me of another horror iv seen (Reeker)
Brady280 said:
I like Horror a lot to. To bad nothing scares me :scared: The thing I hate about todays horror is that its just blood and gore like saw, halloween remake, OR it's remakes. I like Movies like the original Halloween which focus on character development and suspense rather than cheap scares.

Have you not tried asian horror? Very similar to the older stuff. Try Audition, if that woman doesn't scare you, kudos.
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oh yeah i got to add another movie to my list Dead End
oh and dog soldiers
Squall7 said:
I always prefered psychological horrors to anything else. Although classic style can also be quite fun.

One sub-genre I'm not into is Slashers. They all seem very samey.

Try Switchblade Romance, that'll change your opinion of slashers, lol. And you'll never look at a severed head in the same way again believe me.

On a different note, has anyone who thinks they can't be scared/disgusted by films anymore tried looking on specialist horror sites? You can take the worst of Hostel and multiply it by a million.

I got one out of interest and lasted less than five minutes before turning it off due to physical sickness. I've been watching horrors for 20 years but there's some really bad stuff out there if ya dig deeper. It amazed me it was legal to be honest the realism of it, but in Asia they don't really have problems with violence of any kind. Otherwise Takeshi Miike would be sectioned, lol.

Not naming films due to the age of some on here, because if I'd seen them at that age I would've been distraught.

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