i'm trying to be neutrel in this multi-random people debate, but macmutt, your focusing all your posts to paintballer, and not agreeing, or contradicting to anything that any other members are posting. most third parties suck, the only one that dosn't suck is square, and for now they are with the ps3, but who knows maybe later on they'll start developing games for the wii like they are doing so with the ds, i think they are only developing for the ds cause of it's sales, well, i like to think the handheld relations between sony and nintendo is the same as home consoles, and so i think it is definetly a possibility that square would start developing more towards the wii
**** maybe i shouldn't of rambles on or used paragraphs.........oh well
oh and ps. paintballer, i liked sonic and the secret rings but i stopped playing it cause the story line was SO BAD, almost as bad as superman 64, but the gameplay was pretty kick-ass
**** maybe i shouldn't of rambles on or used paragraphs.........oh well
oh and ps. paintballer, i liked sonic and the secret rings but i stopped playing it cause the story line was SO BAD, almost as bad as superman 64, but the gameplay was pretty kick-ass