Hopefully developers will realize the same....

i'm trying to be neutrel in this multi-random people debate, but macmutt, your focusing all your posts to paintballer, and not agreeing, or contradicting to anything that any other members are posting. most third parties suck, the only one that dosn't suck is square, and for now they are with the ps3, but who knows maybe later on they'll start developing games for the wii like they are doing so with the ds, i think they are only developing for the ds cause of it's sales, well, i like to think the handheld relations between sony and nintendo is the same as home consoles, and so i think it is definetly a possibility that square would start developing more towards the wii

**** maybe i shouldn't of rambles on or used paragraphs.........oh well

oh and ps. paintballer, i liked sonic and the secret rings but i stopped playing it cause the story line was SO BAD, almost as bad as superman 64, but the gameplay was pretty kick-ass
Ok, enough of this argument. The Wii is my least favorite console right now, since the game selection isn't very appealing to me and it doesn't appear that it will change anytime soon. That and it's hardware is very inferior to the other consoles. The controller is the only thing that would attract me to it, but after getting used to it it isn't so special anymore since it is the normal thing and doesn't add any more fun to the game that I couldn't have with a regular gamepad. If a bunch of good games come out, then it would change my mind and the Wii could be my favorite console. From what I have found the developers that say the PS3 is hard to program for is actually one guy that was pissed off because he got fired from Sony. The "button mashing" doesn't get old for me if I have good games that offer new things. The HD graphics add a lot to the games, but only if the games are already good. And the graphics don't get old, as they are constantly improving but the Wii is almost at it's peak as far as graphics go so they will stay pretty close to the same. I didn't use profanity at you either, I used it in a passive manner and I wasn't being hostile. Again, this argument is getting old so let this be the end of it.

@mushroomedmario: Final Fantasy Chronicles is for Nintendo consoles. I have never actually played it though which is amazing since FF is my favorite series.
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  • #33
mushroomedmario said:
i'm trying to be neutrel in this multi-random people debate, but macmutt, your focusing all your posts to paintballer, and not agreeing, or contradicting to anything that any other members are posting. most third parties suck, the only one that dosn't suck is square, and for now they are with the ps3, but who knows maybe later on they'll start developing games for the wii like they are doing so with the ds, i think they are only developing for the ds cause of it's sales, well, i like to think the handheld relations between sony and nintendo is the same as home consoles, and so i think it is definetly a possibility that square would start developing more towards the wii

**** maybe i shouldn't of rambles on or used paragraphs.........oh well

oh and ps. paintballer, i liked sonic and the secret rings but i stopped playing it cause the story line was SO BAD, almost as bad as superman 64, but the gameplay was pretty kick-ass

Sorry dude , i didn't mean to avoid other's responses, but it just takes longer to point out the truth to certain people.
lol paintballer, really? because ff is my second favourite series(behind ssb) and i've played/own 1 to 12(actually i own 11, but my brother/parents didn't let me use their credit card, so it's just sitting on a shelf) but i have never once touched a crstal chronical game hehe

and it wasn't jsut all one guy, i've read my share of articles on it, and if you think abou it, it just makes sense,
Macmutt said:
Sorry dude , i didn't mean to avoid other's responses, but it just takes longer to point out the truth to certain people.
Ugh...You just don't get it.
Macmutt said:
Sorry dude , i didn't mean to avoid other's responses, but it just takes longer to point out my demented opinion to non-fanboys.

mushroomedmario said:
and it wasn't jsut all one guy, i've read my share of articles on it, and if you think abou it, it just makes sense,
I can see it being a little more difficult because of the Cell, but nothing huge. If you look in the past everyone said the same thing about the PS2 and look where it is now. Anyway, it is too early to predict what will happen with these consoles.
paintba||er said:
Ok, enough of this argument. The Wii is my least favorite console right now, since the game selection isn't very appealing to me and it doesn't appear that it will change anytime soon. That and it's hardware is very inferior to the other consoles. The controller is the only thing that would attract me to it, but after getting used to it it isn't so special anymore since it is the normal thing and doesn't add any more fun to the game that I couldn't have with a regular gamepad. If a bunch of good games come out, then it would change my mind and the Wii could be my favorite console. From what I have found the developers that say the PS3 is hard to program for is actually one guy that was pissed off because he got fired from Sony. The "button mashing" doesn't get old for me if I have good games that offer new things. The HD graphics add a lot to the games, but only if the games are already good. And the graphics don't get old, as they are constantly improving but the Wii is almost at it's peak as far as graphics go so they will stay pretty close to the same. I didn't use profanity at you either, I used it in a passive manner and I wasn't being hostile. Again, this argument is getting old so let this be the end of it.

@mushroomedmario: Final Fantasy Chronicles is for Nintendo consoles. I have never actually played it though which is amazing since FF is my favorite series.

Why do you still post here exactly? We only care about the people who do like the Wii not the opposite.

If I wanted to hear opinions from people who don't like the Wii I would go to ps3chat. I am sure they enjoy your annoying font color more anyways.
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OK a truce it is...but

paintba||er said:
Ok, enough of this argument. The Wii is my least favorite console right now, since the game selection isn't very appealing to me and it doesn't appear that it will change anytime soon. That and it's hardware is very inferior to the other consoles. The controller is the only thing that would attract me to it, but after getting used to it it isn't so special anymore since it is the normal thing and doesn't add any more fun to the game that I couldn't have with a regular gamepad. If a bunch of good games come out, then it would change my mind and the Wii could be my favorite console. From what I have found the developers that say the PS3 is hard to program for is actually one guy that was pissed off because he got fired from Sony. The "button mashing" doesn't get old for me if I have good games that offer new things. The HD graphics add a lot to the games, but only if the games are already good. And the graphics don't get old, as they are constantly improving but the Wii is almost at it's peak as far as graphics go so they will stay pretty close to the same. I didn't use profanity at you either, I used it in a passive manner and I wasn't being hostile. Again, this argument is getting old so let this be the end of it.

@mushroomedmario: Final Fantasy Chronicles is for Nintendo consoles. I have never actually played it though which is amazing since FF is my favorite series.

On my final note let me just say that developers don't get their most out of their development kits until about their 4th or 5th year so to say that after 8 months the Wii has hit it's graphical peak is much, much to premature.
As for the HD, yeah it makes the games look all sharp, shiny and pretty but then you get used to them and your left with the fun of the game and the game play itself. Now i don't know what your game tastes are, but it sounds to me like you shouldn't have gotten a Wii, because there are alot of titles i like on it such as Paper Mario, Resident Evil, Wii sports, Zelda, upcoming Metroid, Madden and few others, but fact is i like every genre of games but if you only like driving, shooters, RPG, or sports then maybe PS3 or 360 is more suited to you.
Fact is though the Wii hardware is capable of running games in 480p and has specs equal to the original Xbox hardware with some extra ram and the unique control scheme, that means it's capable of games that look every bit as good as the Xbox's Ninja Gaiden, Halo and perhaps even a little prettier if the extra ram is utilized properly. Which is more than enough for me.
That being said , good luck with what ever you end up playing the most Paintballer, as long as you enjoy it.
vagrant said:
Why do you still post here exactly? We only care about the people who do like the Wii not the opposite.

If I wanted to hear opinions from people who don't like the Wii I would go to ps3chat. I am sure they enjoy your annoying font color more anyways.
More pointless flaming. I really don't care what you or anyone else on here think of me or my font color and as i said I'm not leaving anytime soon.

Edit: Finally. Anyway the Wii is pretty close to its peak with graphics, since it isn't much more than the gamecube hardware wise. Sure it is capable or a little more than a Xbox, but that isn't much since it was a last gen console and is pretty much at its graphical peak.
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paintba||er said:
Ok, enough of this argument. The Wii is my least favorite console right now, since the game selection isn't very appealing to me and it doesn't appear that it will change anytime soon.
Fair enough.

That and it's hardware is very inferior to the other consoles.
People say that as though they didn't know that when they bought it. It's part of the reason why it's so inexpensive. In essence, it's not a flaw, it's designed.

The controller is the only thing that would attract me to it, but after getting used to it it isn't so special anymore since it is the normal thing and doesn't add any more fun to the game that I couldn't have with a regular gamepad.
So you're expecting it to be a "gimmick" and because it's become "normalised" you think the novelty has worn off? It wasn't designed to be a novelty. The normalising just means that you've adapted to a new way of playing, not that it automatically gets boring because of it. If it doesn't add the depth to gameplay that you like, then fair enough, but to say that it's boring because it is a "normal thing" is kinda missing the point of the wiimote altogether.

If a bunch of good games come out, then it would change my mind and the Wii could be my favorite console.
Funny tactic that is. A token attempt to find middle-ground. "it could be..." doesn't really fit in with the previous statement unless you actually want novelty.

From what I have found the developers that say the PS3 is hard to program for is actually one guy that was pissed off because he got fired from Sony.
Interesting, could you provide a source for that please? I can believe it, although I can believe that the PS3 would be hard to program for too.

The "button mashing" doesn't get old for me if I have good games that offer new things.
...Fair enough...

The HD graphics add a lot to the games, but only if the games are already good.
True, the same could be said for every aspect of gaming though. If you had an amazing game but rubbish sound, it can severe destroy the gaming experience.

And the graphics don't get old, as they are constantly improving but the Wii is almost at it's peak as far as graphics go so they will stay pretty close to the same.
This is also a part where you should make it clear that it's still your opinion. Otherwise, people can mistake it for you trying to pass it off as fact. Especially with a fairly factual statement like the one above. ATI also stated that the graphics seen at E3 last year was the "tip of the iceberg". I don't know if that means it's capable of the equivolent of a 360 or PS3 on SD, but it still means that there's room for improvement. The reason we haven't seen so much so far? 1. Ports (from PS2 version etc), 2. Early in the Wii's life. 3. Similar to Gamecube in structure, means that we will be seeing higher end Gamecube quality games early in the Wii's life. 3. Programmers being lazy - they wish to make a quick buck - and since 3rd party titles seem to be flooding the market with the same strategy, there is little demand for graphically imporved titles (at least, they can fob off lower graphically grand titles without anyone batting an eyelid). After the next few waves of games, we could start to see a signifcant difference.

@mushroomedmario: Final Fantasy Chronicles is for Nintendo consoles. I have never actually played it though which is amazing since FF is my favorite series.
You should try it. I've been a Final Fantasy Fan for a while (since 7, but I really didn't like XII and XI didn't really appeal to me), and I really enjoyed it. Certainly different from others with the obvious different battle system and multiplayer focus, but fun nonetheless.

Although my ultimate desire would be to have Final Fantasy VII-X reworked for the Wii. Very possible, and would be very enjoyable too.
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mushroomedmario said:
aww man even though he quoted paintballer talking to me, he didn't quote me at all, i feel very unimportant

The new Final Fantasy CC looks awesome on the Wii btw
I say the Wii is the best. Its played by more people than the other systems & If you had current 360 & PS3 sales together & compare them to Wii sales. Wiis are selling 3 to 1.
i guess...

but what's the deal with cc anyways(sorry for being a bit off-topic)

is it the same characters for every game

same relative plot for each one?

does it have sid in each game?
Personally: I like the Wii's control system.
You are all free to your opinion.
Those not so fond of the control system: I see your points, they are understandable, I love it. ^_^
I say the wii is awesome. 360 games feel all the same to me 90% of games coming out for it now are FPS's..... They all feel the same. Gears of War, Darkness, even Halo 3 after an hour or two you dont play it again.... My friend is a huge 360 fanboy wont even look at a wii or PS3 yet he says the same thing I do..... The games are repetitive minimal button differences. If I win doing something a certain way in gears of war it works in halo 3, Crackdown, Lost Planet, & Darkness also. The 360 is boring if you ask me.

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