If you like your basketball games a little out of the ordinary then Virtual Toys and Streamline Studios’ forthcoming WiiWare game HoopWorld might be right up your street. It’s a 3-on-3, OTT arcade basketball game with a kung-fu power-up twist that offers unlimited replayability via 7 uniquely themed teams and 6 outdoor courts/locations.

As far as multiplayer options go, you can connect to the HoopWorld online Leaderboard or play with a friend. The developers promise “fast, fun and easy to pick up arcade action”, as players “basketbrawl” their way to the top of the HoopWorld Leaderboard Championship. You can foul your opponent as much as you like, punching, kicking and fighting in order to win the ball. Power-ups include basket-blocking shields and vampire balls that drain opponents’ scores. Players can also unlock additional teams and courts by beating all 4 difficulties.
HoopWorld will be available for 1,000 Wii Points from the Wii Shop Channel on July 19th.