Holy ****

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wii_smurf isnt banned, it was like that before he started the thread.. Custom user titles these days eh?:cool:
no the mod told me it was the same ip
though it cud b wii smurfs im not sure???
edit no its not cos u cant pm him
WiiWouldLike2Play said:
WHAT? How is that possible..

EDIT: oh okay.. now im sad :[ *sniff*

Read what smurf said at the top of the page, tiger made an account called wii..smurf, gawd dont you all read? lol jk
well it dosnt matter anyways...your banned.....good bye..you were a good poster :sad:
If only Wii_Smurf had AIM. :/

I'm so lost.. What mod told you that, wii_cammy?


lee.jarratt said:
Read what smurf said at the top of the page, tiger made an account called wii..smurf, gawd dont you all read? lol jk

I read it 5 times actually.... :'C I miss him already.
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Guys, an easy way to tell if someone is banned is to just look and see if you can give them rep...if u cant, then they're really banned!
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Well at least it's all sorted

The_Next_Tiger made an account called Wii_Smurfs..

Then a Mod obviously wanted to ban them for dupe accounts
But banned me instead of Wii_Smurfs....[Easy Mistake, Only an S on the end]

Anyways it's all cleared up. And it was all because he was obsessed with me lol

Seriously his 'Tiger' account had my Avvy. I noticed that then I noticed he made a 2nd account with my Avvy and Signature and ALL my stats..... OMG what a loser lol

Well it's still good to be back

And Rach your right. Drama xD :)
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