Hola, colour issues


WiiChat Member
Mar 25, 2007
Hello i used my Wii on my standard TV and it worked perfectly. However i have bought an HDTV and things are not going so well. I have plugged it in and tried it on all the scart sockets yet no matter what i do the colour quality is very poor, i have also tried just putting the coloured cables directly into the TV, still dont work well. Basically everything is greyish/brownish, i have a UK pal console, and i have noticed that the TV seems to be playing it as NTSC, when i switch to PAL (via the remote), the colour works better but the screen goes all fuzzy and jerks all over the place

Has anyone experienced this? Does anybody have a solution? Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Thanks for the reply

Yeah, just to be safe i plugged the coloured cables in both the S-cable holes (the red,yellow,white) and later the HD (component?) holes and tried it with both. No image at all through the HD holes, while i got a grey/brown image through the S-cable holes. I got a grey/brown image through both the scarts too

As far as i can tell iv'e set it all up right :(
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Ok maybe my HDTV tv wont support 480i at all then. Does anyone think that perhaps buying a composite cable will fix the problem? I dont want to buy one and find out it wont work tho, so im just going to ask before i do
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hmmmz... strange

Yeah when you put it that way it kind of makes sense, but still, somethings up :( Ok what ill do then is ill just go ahead and buy the component cable and see how it goes. Since it outputs 480p, it should work on an HDTV no matter what, as the entire point of HDTV's are to output High Def. I'll post back tomorrow saying whether things are sorted out by the new cable
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Picked up a component cable for £15. It works!!!! In fact everything is really bright and colourful now, more so than on my old TV!

Thankyou for the help :)

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