hi people


I am obsessed in zelda!!!
Jun 24, 2007
hi people :wink:

my name's Maddie, and i am 12 years old. Legend of Zelda rocks!!!!
I've completed the Windwaker four times, Ocarina of Time one time, and am currently hooked on Twilight Princess.
I also play Soul Caliber and James Bond (Casino Royale the movie rocks!).
I have a Gameboy Advanced SP, a Nintendo Wii, an old Gameboy Color, and an N64. My older sister Alisha has an SNES (wow. old, isn't it???) :wink:
My favorite Zelda game is definately Twilight Princess. Right now, I'm almost at the Lakebed Temple. I know all that happens, since I play it at my friend's house, and he's almost done with the game.
My favorite Zelda character besides Link? Probably Midna.
See ya later!
Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay here.
Welcome to WiiChat Maddie! Glad you're enjoying the Wii, particularly Twilight Princess. Be sure to read and follow the rules and you will have a great time here.
Hello! I too am a huge Zelda fan. Try the first Zelda from the NES, sure its old but its where it all started and is fantastic and timeless. You can download it on the VC. Welcome to the forum!
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WiiBad said:
Hello! I too am a huge Zelda fan. Try the first Zelda from the NES, sure its old but its where it all started and is fantastic and timeless. You can download it on the VC. Welcome to the forum!
ok thanks i started playing it, and it is fun! :lol:
Welcome to WiiChat ZeldaFan24. I hope you enjoy it here. I am also a big Zelda fan (look at my avatar).

@Yellow_Wii: You know you already posted here before, right?

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