Hi Guys


WiiChat Member
Dec 12, 2006
I am now the proud owner of a Wii and i have had all the Nintendo consoles to date but now that Nintendo is online and am able to talk on the internet with my wii is awesome so if anyone wants to leave there Wii console number so i can add em and get chating or become friends then feel free thank you for your time you lot take matt :smilewinkgrin:
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Heya soundwave! Im pretty new here aswell Im looking for ppl who are lovin the wii as much as I am!....How kool is it! I just got one as an early xmas present, I had to have it now though I couldnt wait! I have only got the wii sports at the minute, im getting some more games soon can you recommend any? chat soon
wiichick :smilewinkgrin:
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hi Wiichick

hi wiichick Zelda is amazing better than ocarina of time and has old the old themes and places from the n64 game in twilight princess and makes up for wind waker even tho that was kool erm..... tony hawks is ok and call of duty 3 nowt much else out at mo cant wait 4 mario galaxy and resident evil!!! add me to your wii friends list
nickname matty
wii friend code 2493-6416-5104-0200:smilewinkgrin:
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hey matty or do u prefer soundwave?, my names cassie btw thanks for that I think I might get zelda I loved the wind waker. I will add you soon my brother has my wii for the week whilst hes at his girlfriends...i agreed to let him use it as long as he pitches in for a new game!! in the mean time if u wanna send me email send it too strawberry_sherberts@hotmail.co.uk it will be fun to chat with someone who shares the same interests!;)
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