!!! Hi everyone!plz read!!!!

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Im not a nintendo guru. im just offering help to those who need it.
Like he said, duh, hes trying to be helpfull, lay off him
WeToYou said:
No, it was aimmed at the guy acting like he's a Nintendo guru.
you sure do have quite an attitude dont you. Almost every post you make is something negative. :eek:ut:
nintendomonk said:
Hi, ive just started on this forum but ive been playing on nintendo consoles for years, anyway, Contact me about any gamecube game or wii game. I can tell you loads about most games. My email is danny.harris67@ntlworld.com. I am the nintendomonk, ask me anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay then, in zelda oot at the desert temple what glinch appeard when you learned the song to send you to the dessert?:)
Has Link ever been kissed
Will Mario go on a diet
lol, none, and its spelled "Luigi"

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