
Halo is a great franchise. But this is somewhat beside the point.

To the OP: The PS3 is a GREAT console.

However, to know which console suits you better ultimately depends on the kind of games you prefer and what you want to do with it. If you are a junkie for online multiplayer and very interested in networking with friends, get a 360. If you like interesting games that go outside the box, an immersive single-player experience, or great games in a multitude of genres without having a singular preference, get a PS3.

As for me, I would get the PS3 because it has multiple media assets that I like and are assets that will still be popular for a long time to come. I love watching movies so I want the best experience available for my buck. I also like a multitude of game genres and don't care as much for playing online (however, PS3's online service isn't bad at all).
You're definitely one of the minority on that one. There are STILL tons of people playing Halo 3.

Also, new argument: Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 are not on PS3. Freaking amazing games. (well the second one isn't out yet, but it will be in what, 4 days?)

there lame compared to uncharted 2 inFAMOUS lbp r&c a crack in time killzone 2 and soon to be god of war 3
and all those games are for ps3 only :p

but yea get a ps3
Wow, I just realized I didn't even contribute other than giving my opinion on Halo. All of the below is my opinion.

Anyway, yes the PS3 is an outstanding console, and the most diverse in this generation IMO. Nintendo hasn't really been able to deliver since the Wii's first birthday, and Xbox is inferior for many reasons. (Calm down people it's my opinion)

If you've joined this fourm, chances are that you already have a Wii. So, I'll be mainly comparing to PS3.

The biggest reason that I think the PS3 is superior is simly exclusive games. Let's be real, no other company has matched Sony in terms of wide-ranging exclusives in this generation. And that's what I think you should be looking at when purchasing a console. Forget multi-platform games, you can get them on any console. You want to think about the games that you can't get anywhere else.

That's why I chose the PS3>360. There are so many different genres with great exclusives in them. For example:

- Killzone 2
- Resistance Fall of Man
- Resistance 2
- SOCOM Confrontation (If you're into tactical stuff)
- Warhawk
- MAG (Upcoming)

- Uncharted Drake's Fortune
- Uncharted 2 (Godly, GOTY easily)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 (GOTY last year)
- InFamous
- Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction
- Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time
- GOD OF WAR 3 (Upcoming)
- Heavenly Sword

- Motorstorm
- Motorstorm Pacific Rift
- Ridge Racer
- WipEout HD
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
- Gran Turismo 5 (Upcoming)

The platforming genre is dying a bit, but LittleBigPlanet gave it a boost with a game that is unlike anything you will ever play.

And if you're into sports games, PS3 features the MLB The Show series exclusively. There are other great exclusive games that I didn't even get to as well. There's just so many that I don't feel like listing them all, haha.

And if you compare this to 360, I'd think you'd find the greater selection.

360 has games like Halo, Gears, Forza, Left for Dead, etc. But when you really compare the two, I don't really think there's a question.

Plus, PS3 is cheaper in the long run. With 360 you'll have to pay $50 a year for online play, plus $50+ for a wireless router if you don't have a wired connection. (M$ rips you off because the 360 is not compatible with regular routers)

The PSN really isn't that far behind Live anyway. Sure, the 360 has some more features but most are extremely unnecessary for video games.

And you'll have to worry about the alarming rate of the Red Rings of Death hardware failure.

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