Hey everyone
I'm new around here (hence the name of the thread
My Wii FC is 6293 4491 8040 1355
GHWT FC is 0173 9254 2704
Mario Kart FC is 3438 1004 6976
Guitar Hero: expert guitarist and interested in any players (preferrably drummers bassists and singers) interested in creating a band.
pm me if interested in any of the above.
cheers :yesnod:
I'm new around here (hence the name of the thread
My Wii FC is 6293 4491 8040 1355
GHWT FC is 0173 9254 2704
Mario Kart FC is 3438 1004 6976
Guitar Hero: expert guitarist and interested in any players (preferrably drummers bassists and singers) interested in creating a band.
pm me if interested in any of the above.
cheers :yesnod: