hey new girl here and wii nintendogs??


WiiChat Member
Feb 13, 2007
chicago, IL
Wii Online Code
hey everyone i have had a wii for about a month but just got it online tonight finally... just wondered does anyone know if they have plans to make a nintendogs game ?? AND can you actually play games with other people via the wii-net..? or is it mostly for buying the games, updates, and mii exchanging>? sorry like i said i just got online tonight... i am using the nintendo wifi usb connector and i had heard mixed things about it , but so far connection is great !! just thought i'd throw that in too.. add me guys and let me know if you do !! thanks..

wii code: 4145137811641397
mii name: Julie
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just wanted to add... if you CAN play any of the games with other miis through the net... which ones work so far?????? thx
The question is yes for playing online, games have already been anounced to have online like SSBB and my personal favourite Battalion Wars2. As for the Nintendogs nothing has been announced as of yet but im pretty sure they will make one later down the track.

EDIT: there are no online games out yet.
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Like he said, no games are online yet. Elebits has a thing where you can send your custom-made levels to your buddies, but that's it. The first online title is going to be Pokemon, or so they say.

I added you to my Wii btw, Julie.

Mine is:
Jules1020 said:
hey everyone i have had a wii for about a month but just got it online tonight finally... just wondered does anyone know if they have plans to make a nintendogs game ?? AND can you actually play games with other people via the wii-net..? or is it mostly for buying the games, updates, and mii exchanging>? sorry like i said i just got online tonight... i am using the nintendo wifi usb connector and i had heard mixed things about it , but so far connection is great !! just thought i'd throw that in too.. add me guys and let me know if you do !! thanks..

wii code: 4145137811641397
mii name: Julie
i'm adding you
Crg 7255-2084-5635-1535

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