Hey guess what???


WiiChat Member
Mar 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
Hi guys, wow it has been a while since a have log on to wiichat, at least 1 or 2 years... time flies!!
Well, I just want to say hi again and to let you know I have been involved with a video game store, and I have learned a lot! from helping people on games, to repairing consoles!! it is amazing. :lovewii:

If you guys have a question feel free to ask, I figured,helping people where I work, why not in the forum it used to be my favorite place in the internet (yeah time has taken that from me).
hopefully I have the time to be in here at least once a week right?
If ye. Don't know me.
Ye be new. in which case
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I remember you prinny... pinguins.... you have a weird fantasy with pinguins.....

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