hey everyone i am new

kira youre from long island??? never knew

sorry for the comment on your thread but i knew youd be slammed. my thread and another members on here are strictly for MOS (members of service)

dont take it personally but i knew that was going to be a big flop your thread.

anwaysy, welcome to wiichat. always make an introduction and stay awhile so we get to know you before making posts like that.

im also from long island, suffolk region
kiraownsurmom said:
wat r u the co...FBI?

but yes i am

howdy neighbor :)

and you jsut wrote above "im from da island" and i didnt know you were from strong island ;)
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  • #12
wii_cammy said:
hey how u doing
wat games u got fr ur wii and have u been on any other sites
i have sports and a truck one and wario smooth move which i beat the second day i had it
Me and the boyf did it in about 4 hours :D - :eek: the game I mean.. ;)

Welcome to the forums..hope to see you posting around and all that jazz..

Okay well check out the forum rules and FAQs,
At the stop of every section there are threads that have been stickied, their stickied for a reason, they'll help you out :thumbsup:

Also be sure to use the reputation button, if someone helps ya out and is nice then you give them good rep, and if their not so nice well.. you give them bad rep :) (Next to the online/offline bit on each post)

Tips: Don't double post, don't troll, flame etc.. before you make a thread make sure it hasn't already been made.. erm.. try and use good spelling/grammar :)

Another Island liver oner
Its a little known one called Britain

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