hey everybody!


the darkness >_
Dec 26, 2007
hello every 1-im firekid115 and im a nintendo fan all the way. i decided 2 get a wii 4 x-mas and i got 1 and 2 games but i never got to play the wii yet cuz i coudlnt sync the wiimote. and im goin 2 eb games 2 exange it (if the wii turns out 2 be faulty)

1. Welcome to Wiichat! Enjoy your stay!
2. When sincing did you press the red button on both the wii and wiimote at the same time. Because, if you don't do that, then it won't connect.
3. Try to type legible posts. It helps everyone in responding to you.
It may also help to have the Wii Mote pointing at the sensor bar. If you have any concerns refer to the manual that came with the Wii. Or just ask one of the members here at WiiChat. Oh and welcome to the forum. :)
Hello and welcome to WiiChat, fir3k!d115!
You can call me Icy for short:cornut:
If you have any problems, concerns, and/or ?'s then feel free to ask.
I'm guessing your problem is solved and you playing the Wii right now. :)
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yup lol and since my wii came with no wii sports im goin tommorow to se about that. Tommorow im also either getting godzilla unleashed, msc or bleach shattered blade

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