Hey All


WiiChat Member
Dec 11, 2012
Hello everyone, I got my wii a while back. And recently i've started re-discovering it. I used to be pretty good at Goldeneye and Brawl. But after brawl stopped working for me i stopped playing. A few weeks ago i started playing Goldeneye again and realized how fun it was. Oh and i also do a bit of mario kart on the side. Oh and i'm 15.:D
Welcome t' Wiichat, avatar guy. Hope ya enjoy the forums. :thumbsup:

I used to be pretty good at Brawl. But after brawl stopped working for me i stopped playing.

The feeling's mutual amigo. :lol: Was quite the skilled Brawl player back in my day, one of Wiichat's most respected in fact. Then my Wii stopped playin' dual layered discs two years ago, resulting in my title as the "Brawl Guru" nothin' more than memory... Lucky me, I got myself a Wii U and can finally play Brawl again. :D

Needless t' say though, I'm a shadow of my former self after two boring years of rust collected. :lol:
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Thanks for the welcome guys :)
Welcome t' Wiichat, avatar guy. Hope ya enjoy the forums. :thumbsup:

The feeling's mutual amigo. :lol: Was quite the skilled Brawl player back in my day, one of Wiichat's most respected in fact. Then my Wii stopped playin' dual layered discs two years ago, resulting in my title as the "Brawl Guru" nothin' more than memory... Lucky me, I got myself a Wii U and can finally play Brawl again. :D

Needless t' say though, I'm a shadow of my former self after two boring years of rust collected. :lol:
Finally someone who gets me. It's nice to know that getting a wii u will solve the problem, even though i wont be getting one for a ling time.

Oh and my avatar is Avatar because I couldn't think of anything else at the time.
I don't quite understand why no one's sunk low enough t' make an avatar-inception joke yet.

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