Heroes (tv)

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  • #77
Yes well he cuts their head open and takes their brains out.. but I'm not sure if he actually eats them, cos don't we see their brains on the floor after it?
The finale wasn't as great as I thought it'd be. It was a good episode, but I just thought it could have been a bit better.

Looks promising for next series though- Hiro's in ancient Japan! I reckon he'll meet that samurai (I think his name was Kensei?) they were talking about.
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  • #81
Yeah, I think it was him we saw at the end..


Has anyone else noticed the symbol running through out the show?

The flag he was holding had it =]

It looks like this if you haven't seen it..


What you think will happen with..

Sylar, he escaped into the tunnel thing didn't he..
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  • #82
Woahhh double post dude :/

Jay raised an interesting note the other day..

He said..

When we see Hiro at the end of the final episode.. and we also see that warior.. who is the guy that was in those stories Hiro used to read.. somebody said to Jay it looks like his father..

Now this could be VERY interesting, I've been convinced that his father has powers too, and this could be it, he could be imortal...

We know he has some connection with all this super hero powers going on, cos in one episode we see a flashback and his fathers talking to.. Linderman I think? And he knew that Hiro had the powers etc etc..

And we've seen Hiros father reading him the stories about that warrior, so I think it's him tooooo, I'm gonna watch it again later tonight to see if it's him or not at the end,

What do you guys think about this?

C'mon talk!

I'm obsessed with this and I need people to talk to about it lol :yesnod:
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surfinrach90 said:
Woahhh double post dude :/

Jay raised an interesting note the other day..

He said..

When we see Hero at the end of the final episode.. and we also see that warior.. who is the guy that was in those stories Hero used to read.. somebody said to Jay it looks like his father..

Now this could be VERY interesting, I've been convinced that his father has powers too, and this could be it, he could be imortal...

We know he has some connection with all this super hero powers going on, cos in one episode we see a flashback and his fathers talking to.. Linderman I think? And he knew that Hiro had the powers etc etc..

And we've seen Hiros father reading him the stories about that warrior, so I think it's him tooooo, I'm gonna watch it again later tonight to see if it's him or not at the end,

What do you guys think about this?

C'mon talk!

I'm obsessed with this and I need people to talk to about it lol :yesnod:

The next "volume" was titled Generations, so methinks Hiro's father does indeed have a power, and probably other parents too (Angela Patrelli?). I'm not sure if that was him on the battlefield though, we didn't really get a good look.
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  • #85
Edited for you im_a_super_smash_bro :)

And Angela Patrelli being Nathan and Peters mother yeah? If so then yep, I think she has a power =]

Do you think..

DL and the cop will survive?
surfinrach90 said:
Yes well he cuts their head open and takes their brains out.. but I'm not sure if he actually eats them, cos don't we see their brains on the floor after it?

Nope, i don't think so. He has that ability to find out how things work. When he killed the VERY first guy, he said something like "I wonder how it works". So my guess is, he takes out the brain and figures out how the ability works. Now he can do it by himself because he knows how to.

Sylar, he escaped into the tunnel thing didn't he..

I don't think we will see too much of him in the second season. He needs a cooldown. Maybe he will get PWND by an even stronger person, who knows.

btw, who is DL?

and some guesses for the next season:
That little girl that can locate people said something about one super evil person that she doesn't want to locate because she thinks that this person can see her whenever she does so. Neither do we know who it is, nor does it fit to a person from the first season. New Character?

Linderman (I guess it was him) mentioned something about an organisation he and many others (the Petrelli Mother?/Father? That black old guy? Hiro's father? ) participated in that wanted a better world for special people. But this organisation failed because one member quit. Another new character?

I didn't like the end of Season 1 too much.
Sylar is Uber, but he let Hiro stab him without even trying to stop him. They could just have shot Peter, at least then only Peter would have died, but not Nathan. And they could revive him later, too, because he has the ability of Claire. The special training for Hiro by his father was more than cheesy and in the end Hiro didn't even need it. The future fight between Sylar and Peter was cheesy, too. "Ice!" "Fire!" WOOSH! The fights of Hiro and Peter against the soldiers were plain stupid, they didn't even shoot once.
but well, that's my opinion.Heroes is still a very cool show and I love it! ^^

And some other questions that weren't answered
Who the heck was that chick that could connect to the internet? And we still don't know what that injection needle dots do to the "patient", or do we?

btw that chick that could put up illusions was hot ^^
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  • #88
Yeah fo-sho we're seeing some new characters, too many of them died lol :lol:

D.L is the guy who can walk through walls :)
surfinrach90 said:
Here's confirmation of at least one new character..

Wonder what the power will be :idea:


Nice find!

As a guess, I reckon she might control electricity and/or magnetism since it's a fairly common power in comics which hasn't featured on Heroes yet.

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