Heroes 2 Gameplay Montage

Wiinter said:
We're going to have to go around them for now, they're not doing us any favors.

Use PC + bluetooth + VOIP. Wii Voicechat workarounds

Spread the word. The more people are ready at launch, the better chance we get some good comm going. Gamestreet looks like the best solution.

This would work I assume, and would be cool. But unless EA allows you to choose servers in MOHH2 then it's gana be tough. Using friend code only games would work but it would be tough to get the crowds there.
After watching the footage, and being pumped for some news or footage for sometime, i feel a little disappointed. Maybe its because i've been playing all my WWII games on my computer. I guess i'm kind of use to those large versions, but I love the controls and the new levels and that I can pkay on my 47" now.

As far as chatting, my Mac is in my other room so unless I buy a wireless headset I'll wait for another form of chat.
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DrYou said:
This would work I assume, and would be cool. But unless EA allows you to choose servers in MOHH2 then it's gana be tough. Using friend code only games would work but it would be tough to get the crowds there.

Heroes 1 and EA nation even allowed you to set up your own private servers. My guess is that won't be a problem. Ultimately, I foresee gamers organizing via PC. You've got Gamestreet (or whatever) with all your contacts running 24/7, when you see enough people up, then you pick your server and get up and running. What we need is some central hub to get everybody on the same page in the first place, but there's no single community with enough fans.

The more I see of the game, the more I resent the missing voicechat from Nintendo. But I don't want to completely lose out on the experience.
tuna said:
As far as chatting, my Mac is in my other room so unless I buy a wireless headset I'll wait for another form of chat.

If there were integrated Wii voicechat, you'd be putting money into a wireless headset anyway. For those with a laptop that has wifi, a wired solution is possible, if cumbersome.
Well i'm all for helping the cause, so i might get the headset.

They said only 6 online maps will be made available, do you think that EA will make new maps? And will we be able to download them? Like map packs for other WWII games?
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tunaonrice said:
Well i'm all for helping the cause, so i might get the headset.

They said only 6 online maps will be made available, do you think that EA will make new maps? And will we be able to download them? Like map packs for other WWII games?

You should make sure that there are mac clients for teamspeak or gamestreet, and make sure you get the right equipment. Do your research.
Its not really that hard. Just follow some people and work together.

Just watching the new footage! Looks amazing. I think I'm gonna dig this game even more than Brawl :p

I hope that EA will publish more maps because 6 seems kinda few at first glance.

The weapons sound pretty amazing as well ! That mg42 hmmmmm

Theres no online footage in it. Just bits from the campaign. You can see how the bots take cover and shout stuff. This is never the case in online modes. Players dont act like that
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