Here's to Gamecube

go on then....i couldnt care less

and i am a nintendo fan so how can everybody be a discrase?...
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My Wii is my first console (although I've done lots of computer gaming), but I'm a little geeked out that I can run GameCube games on my Wii. I mail ordered Eternal Darkness and I bought a copy of MLB 2k6 because I don't want to wait for a Wii version :)
thats thge first one i ever had, but you gitta admit when you were ten it was friking awesome
I never got the gamecube some of my friends have it and they stoped playing it now. And since the Wii can play gamecube games, I borrowed lots and found that the gamecube had many good games.
I only bought a few games for it, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Kart: Double Dash, and Sonic Adventure Battle 2. They were great.
I liked my gamecube, but if it weren't for the awesomeness of Super Smash Bros. Melee and the GBA player I would seriously have given up on it a long time ago.
wii was my first nintendo console but i still have to admit when i went on super smash bros and mario double dash, i was hooked! but i didnt like the rest of the games!!!1

so anyone banning me yet!

how is that link bad( as in gay ) then oxhaker?
I have a question for AXTLAR and any other fans of Capcom Vs. SNK. I love the series, especially part two. It's my favorite fighter and I used to play it on PS2. When it came out for GCN, I was so pumped. But I found it to be like a kiddie version that would perform special moves with a mere touch of the C-Stick. I couldn't find a way to turn this ability off, so I passed off the game as crap years ago. Does anyone know if this setting can be changed? If so, I would like to have the game in my Wii/GCN collection.

P.S. Why is it called GC"N"?
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Gamecube hasnt been a success, but a triumph for gamers. Cheers to SSBM, Wind Waker, and Timesplitters(ultimate fun)
I liked the controls of the Gamecube, because they just felt new, compared to the N64. Playstation on the other hand just kept with the same old stuff....

And Metroid Prime, I spent around 40 hours, and Metroid Prime 2 I spent 35....Time well spent if you ask me.

On SSBM....I unlocked everything, but I just couldn't get into the game....I don't know why, but it just never hooked me.

RE4...Well. That was a GREAT work of pure BEAUTY. And now it's pathetic cause on some boards there are Sony noobs saying that RE4 was out on PS2 first. Morons.

Most shooters like call of duty and that such for the GC were awkward to control, but that was just because it wasn't like the PS2 for most people.

I own a PS2 and I put my GC right up there with it, but it's hard to find some of the REALLY good games for GC in game stores seeing as they're usually sold.
I personally found alot of good gamecube games, and i own like 26 now so i have tons of extra games for my Wii if i get bored :)

+ Gamecube had the best Controller ever.

Tips to you Gamecube!

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