Here's to Gamecube

SuperSmasher025 said:
Nintendo fans should love all nintendo consoles and handhelds. The Nintendo Gamecube is no exception. Even if any of you say it sucked, I think it was awesome. Call me lame or whatever you like, gamecube was a great console.

Super Smash Bros. Melee was my personal favorite, as I'm sure most of you love that game too. The new Nintendo Wii is awesome right now, but since this thread is about the gamecube, we should take the time to acknowledge it. Nintendo put a lot of effort into making the whole Nintendo franchise into what it is today. All consoles, handhelds, and games contributed. NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, and now the Nintendo Wii. The Game & Watch, The Gameboy line, the Nintendo Ds, etc.
This is a thread to recognize the era of the Gamecube. Sure, it may not have stood a chance against the PS2 or the Xbox in your opinions, but in my personal opinion, Gamecube mopped the floor with them.

You may be disappointed with the gamecube but, again, that's your opinion. I thought it was great, and always will be. Why bash the gamecube? It was successful in my eyes. Hardcore nintendo fans aren't supposed to be bashing their favorite video game creators. Remember if it weren't for them, there wouldn't even be a playstation or xbox. Nintendo deserves its credit and I stand behind them all the time with my fullest support.

My ranting right now, may be annoying, but I just want you all to understand, Nintendo did a fantastic job with the Nintendo Gamecube, and they should be quite proud of themselves.

I agree with you completely, I am a loyal fan of Nintendo and always will be and I think it was the best console of them all in its time, it had the better gameplay, graphics and games than the other competing consoles and without it Metroid would have died prbably and other series of Nintendo too, so there's still a place in my heart for the GameCube and I still buy its games favorite GameCube games: F-Zero GX, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Super Mario Strikers, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe, Ikaruga, Capcom vs. SNK, Soul Calibur 2, Godzilla, Tales of Symphonia, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Eternal Darkness, and last but not least Super Smash Bros. Melee. some of the best games ever only for GameCube
I thought the GC would be a flop, I thought the controller was messed up and akward for gaming, I took one look at the PS2 and thought, there's my next-gen console, I also liked the blue LED, so I laughed at anybody who had a GCN, then I got the Wii, really just for the N64 games, I loved the N64, now i'm finding myself treating my Wii like a GCN, I was so wrong about the GCN and now the run is over, goodbye GCN you will be forever missed -sob-:sad::frown2::lol:
Axtlar said:
I agree with you completely, I am a loyal fan of Nintendo and always will be and I think it was the best console of them all in its time, it had the better gameplay, graphics and games than the other competing consoles and without it Metroid would have died prbably and other series of Nintendo too, so there's still a place in my heart for the GameCube and I still buy its games favorite GameCube games: F-Zero GX, The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Super Mario Strikers, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe, Ikaruga, Capcom vs. SNK, Soul Calibur 2, Godzilla, Tales of Symphonia, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Eternal Darkness, and last but not least Super Smash Bros. Melee. some of the best games ever only for GameCube

Thank you!! It's good to know someone agrees with me. Gamecube was THE console for the 6th generation. Sigh ... finally, someone who actually took their time to not bash the GCN. I give you my thanks.
im only playing gc games on wii nowadays.
at least until godfather hits stores
Ah, Gamecube. I loved it to death even while the majority hated it.

Super Smash Bros Melee? 150+ hours baby!
Metroid Prime? About 30-35 hours
Metroid Prime 2? About 40 hours
F-Zero GX? 20-25 hours
Tales of Symphonia? Oh, god. 200+ hours
TimeSplitters 3? 30 hours easily
Fire Emblem 9? Around 25-30 hours
Mario Kart DD? Eh, only about 7-9 hours
Super Mario Sunshine? 15-20 hours

There are more games I've spent a good bit of time with but I'll stop at that. I thought Metroid Prime, SSBM, and Tales of Symphonia are some of the best games on the Cube and perhaps last gen.
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A great memory of mine was when I brought home Super Smash Bros. Melee. One of my greatest moments in my gaming history. I was on it for hours.
SuperSmasher025 said:
Thank you!! It's good to know someone agrees with me. Gamecube was THE console for the 6th generation. Sigh ... finally, someone who actually took their time to not bash the GCN. I give you my thanks.

i totally agree with both of you. It was good times. Lugis mansion.. O yeah.
Sunshine, o yeah!, wind waker, hell yeah!, metroid prime, Hell oh! double dash. oh hell!
it was great. despise i still can hear the music from sunshine going
round and round in my head :frown2:

go out music! go oooout!! :mad2:
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Gamecube was IT for me BUT I will give props to PS2 for bringin God of War out. That was a great game. Who developed it by the way? Anyways I don't think GC was as bad as some people made it out to be. I had a lot of great titles for it ranging from True Crime to Smash Bros. Definitely had some fun times playing on it.
Gamecube was AWESOME!!! Idk why most of u guys criticized it. I loved the GC :worship: . There were so many good games for it like super smash bros. melee, paper mario 2, mario sunshine, mario kart double dash, etc. It's so sad that they're not making anymore Gamecubes :sad: :( . And it was a GREAT success. GAMECUBE WILL NEVER DIE!
Oh yeah, completely agree! :) PS2 was my fav, but GC kept a close running, X-Box wasnt even in the mix. I bassicaly got my CG for the Sonic games, StarFox games, Super Smash Bros Melee, and Bloody Roar Primal Fury, but it was goon non the less
:worship: PS2
:worship: GameCube
:prrr: X-Box
Gamecube was good. GC had some awsome games such as Super Smash Bros Melee, Pikmin, Mario Superstar Baseball, and my favorite Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I can't belive that some people say that GC sucks. I resent that!

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