Help with Surround Sound


WiiChat Member
Aug 14, 2007
I got a Wii a few days ago and purchased the optional component cables. My television is on top of a stand, and I have a Home Theater receiver on the bottom of the stand. As far as I know, for surround sound Id have to hook the three video cables into the corresponding component In section of the TV, while the two audio cables have to run from the Wii to my receiver. The cord is way too short to do that. Im sure there's a simple solution but Im not that knowledgable here, how can I extend the audio cables to reach my receiver? Typically Id just by a longer RCA cable but the Wii obviously doesnt have an RCA out.

Can anyone please help?
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Nevermind, I searched the forum and got my answer...and Im feeling a bit dumb for not coming up with a coupler to attach another rca cable myself
thats what i did. the component vid inputs were on the back of my reciever and the audio had to be on the front

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