Hey folks I am new here and in need of some help 
First off let me say I bought the guide and IMHO it does help. However, the guide talks about these races at the end of each galaxy. Well I am unlocking new galaxies and defeating the enemies but I never get the races. When the book said that the red comet would paint the first galaxy red it never did for me. After I beat the flying bug thing at the end of honeyhive and unlocked terrace it said to go back to honeyhive for a race. I went back and clicked all three entrance stars to go back to the main planet in the three different configurations - NO RACE. ARGGG :mad5:
What in the galaxy am I doing wrong here? Any and all helpful hints, tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
First off let me say I bought the guide and IMHO it does help. However, the guide talks about these races at the end of each galaxy. Well I am unlocking new galaxies and defeating the enemies but I never get the races. When the book said that the red comet would paint the first galaxy red it never did for me. After I beat the flying bug thing at the end of honeyhive and unlocked terrace it said to go back to honeyhive for a race. I went back and clicked all three entrance stars to go back to the main planet in the three different configurations - NO RACE. ARGGG :mad5:
What in the galaxy am I doing wrong here? Any and all helpful hints, tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.