Help Please


WiiChat Member
Sep 16, 2007
Hi All,

Can anyone help me please? My fiance is moving from the US to the Uk and we would like to know if his WII will work here or what we need to do for it to work.


:crazy: :yesnod:
No, not competely stock that is...

A mod-chip will allow you to play UK games on a US machine, It would be a lot easier to sell the wii in the states, and buy a wii when you get there, that way, you can run it on a PAL T.V. and plug it into the UK power-grid with a lot less hassle. And no modding the wii and risking a brick.
Unfortunately, his US Wii will be NTSC standard, so it will only play NTSC games. The UK on the other hand, is PAL standard, so his US NTSC Wii will not play PAL games. Your only other choice is to mod the console, which I do not recommend because Nintendo are releasing updates to prevent the modded Wii consoles from functioning.
Well thanks for that regurgitation Pras. lol

(yeah, you probably didn't see my post, as it's only 4 mins apart.)
Brawny said:
Well thanks for that regurgitation Pras. lol

(yeah, you probably didn't see my post, as it's only 4 mins apart.)
Yeah, sorry about that. I was thinking of what to write and then started typing. By the time I hit the "Submit" button, your reply had already registered.
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Thanks for your help, it looks he will be coming minus a WII!


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