Help on Spidey 3!


Me Wif My Boxing Glove!!!
Jan 28, 2007
Wii Online Code
i need help on spiderman 3 will someone tell me how to beat venom?
Wii-Bhoy , is the game short? :scared:
Cuz i want to buy it but.. All say it's peace of s**t :sick:

P.s. Good Luck playing :D
Jan22: It has the main storyline [Film is 2 hours 20 minutes so alot of storyline]
And 2 other storylines after that....
Also it'll probably have side quests [Like on Spiderman 2 if you've played it]
So I rekon it'll be quite large
Ok thx for reply :D

P.s Yes , i've played it.. :) I think it was pretty good.
Was this game only released at certain stores. I looked for it this weekend and couldn't find it. What is up with that???
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thanks for the good luck jan but does anyone actually know how to beat venom because hes really annoying!!!
I haven't played him in the game, but in the movie you have to defeat him by making noises which venom can't stand then you blow him up. Not sure if its the same in the game.
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its ok guys i defeated him last night i rock at the spiderman 3 game! :lol:
How long did you played it? Is it worth to buy?
so how do you beat him? i have tryed loads, by attacking him loads (and nerly dieing) i made him get the ball around him and nerly killed hjim, but then you have to do it again, there has got to be a differant way....:mad5:

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