Help on Level 5


WiiChat Member
Jan 3, 2007
Wii Online Code
Hi all, I have been having troubles with level 5. Where you open the door and there will be a guard with an AE rifle, and then you proceed to the next area, called "Hanger 7".

I just cannot get around without everyone sniping me all at once, before I know it.. I'm dead. What I do is I hide behind the door which you enter Hanger 7 in, I just keep sniping enemys, then hide behind that door to get my health back, then I come back out and snipe another guy. I snipe most of them. But their always seems to be a person who is sniping me, and I don't know where they heck they are coming from!

A little help would be very appreciated.

Thanks in Advance. ;)
Aah that level. It's hard to know exactly who you are talking about. My friend and i redid that level yesterday and i think i know who you are talking about. After sniping all those guy's while hiding beyond your door. Go down and get the armor. After that jump out of the window and to the extreme right there should be a pile of boxes and a sniper standing right there. Just look around till you find him. If it isnt him well then keep looking.
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Gimliisadwarf said:
Aah that level. It's hard to know exactly who you are talking about. My friend and i redid that level yesterday and i think i know who you are talking about. After sniping all those guy's while hiding beyond your door. Go down and get the armor. After that jump out of the window and to the extreme right there should be a pile of boxes and a sniper standing right there. Just look around till you find him. If it isnt him well then keep looking.

No thats not the door I'm talking about, it's the door where you enter hanger 7 in, to be more precise... When you open the door, it will zoom in and show Miyu trapped in the room. I don't know what to do from there, because I shoot most of the enemys, I just don't know where the other guys are sniping me from...

Kinda confusing, well for me. :(
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Ohh never mind people I have done it.

False alarm. :D
i had the same problem for like a week, go to the door where you entered and go to the right. look almost straight down and you will se a guy hiding behind crates. i recomend killin him first.:ihih:

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