Help on forest temple


The conduit!
Nov 11, 2007
Wii Online Code
In orcanie of time, I am stuck on the forest temple. I am in the room when the hallway twists snd turns the floor upside down. I see a lock door infront of me but I can`t find the key. HELP!
Well I think there are two hallways that get twisted, but if not, you have to backtrack, and make the room twist again, and see if there are any other options once the room has been switched.
That is the room with the ceiling hand thing correct?
And you need a key?
Hmmm...... did you get the key that is in the very first area of the forest temple? Where the wolves are?
If not, go back and climb the climbable wall(vines) to get on top of the trees. You'll see a small chest so hookshot to get over there and open it up.
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You are super smart! THe only key I got in the temple was the sewer but you are smart! Thenks!
Sure no problem. I just beat that game two days ago.(So much fun!)
Thank goodness for VC :)

If you have any more questions, PM me if you want okay?
yeah this really is a good game, ive beaten it probly atleast 10+ times and it never gets old

be ready for a challenge at the water temple...woo

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