help needed error code 220602


WiiChat Member
May 27, 2007
Could you please help keep getting the dreaded 220602 error code had the Wii since Christmas and still unable to connect. Tried contacting Nintendo and their reply was "Thats a strange error code try reformatting your system" which I have twice now to my son's disgust (losing all his saved games in the process!!)

My router is a Dynamode BR-6004 W-G1

Could you explain in plain English how I firstly secure my wireless with a WEP I have no idea on any of this I am not Computer literate I'm a plug and go person:yesnod:
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DO you not think I've tried all this!!!!!:sick:
it's hard to believe that nintendo wouldn't know what the error code meant, after's THEIR error code.

if i were u i'd keep calling and try to get some straight answers out of them, and if they can't help you with the Wii you have, then demand that they replace it.
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Darth_Zant said:
it's hard to believe that nintendo wouldn't know what the error code meant, after's THEIR error code.

if i were u i'd keep calling and try to get some straight answers out of them, and if they can't help you with the Wii you have, then demand that they replace it.

Thanks Darth Zant I was beginning to think I was going mad. I also thought how can this be but it's true and I have it in black and white on an email reply from them:scared:
Step 1: Check MAC filtering. Your Router needs to be set to allow a connection from your Wii.

Step 2: Enter the WEP code from your Router into the WEP input box in the Wii Set-up menu.

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Haz said:
Step 1: Check MAC filtering. Your Router needs to be set to allow a connection from your Wii.

Step 2: Enter the WEP code from your Router into the WEP input box in the Wii Set-up menu.



Can you elaborate for me sorry I am not at all technical. How do I check MAC filtering? and what WEP code as far as I know I don't have one because I keep getting alerts on the PC saying my wireless network is not secure?!!!:crazy:
tkc said:

Can you elaborate for me sorry I am not at all technical. How do I check MAC filtering? and what WEP code as far as I know I don't have one because I keep getting alerts on the PC saying my wireless network is not secure?!!!:crazy:

OK - Give me a minute and I'll see if I can do you a process document. Just got in from the office so just need a few mins to sort myself.

Edit: I can not find a user guide for your modem/router - thus, I can not document the process. If you have a .PDF of the user manual, please post it here and I will be able to help.
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