Error Code: 220602....please Help

usually you type in your web browser and you should get a login screen. the user name is admin and the password is blank.
i am realy dumb when it comes to computers you will have to explain the whole process from accessing the web browser to the ends

thanks this will be a big help
ok tell me exactly why you are trying to get into the setup of you router so I have an idea what you are trying to accomplish. I can help you get into the router as long as it still has it default username and password, but past that I did not see any documentation on the internet for the actiontec router. So I would not be able to explain any settings for that router. Now if you need help with internet settings on the wii console I would be able to give you more detailed instructions for that.
i just want to get internet on my wii but i get 220602 error message and i have no clue . it used to work for a couple days but then it did'nt and i tried to restart the whole thing but did'nt work and it is a wireless connection because my land line is broken when i do a connection test it says there is a connection and wants to update but says i have the latest upgrade and i dont have weather or news channel
DNS Server

I was having this same problem as you all until I switched my primary and secondary DNS servers in the Wii settings and all of a sudden the User Agreement came up. Hope that helps!
Well, my wiis intternet server is crazy! I can't go onto Wii Shop channel cos it stays on the "Connecting Please Wait..." screen for hours and never moves from that! Help me plz! I can't update but my WiiConnect24 still works 'cos i can messsage people. How i fix?
Thanks so much!!!!

This solution worked's so great to have an answer to such a simple problem. Thank you very much!!!

I was having the same issue were I was able to get updates ok by when I went to the agreement I would get the 220602 error. What I had to do to get this to work is go to start/run/cmd. This takes you to a dos prompt. then type ipconfig/all. look for DNS ip address. write them down. the first is your primary the second one is your secondary. Then I had to go to the internet settings on the wii console. Under DNS settins I chose no and then advanced. I put the secondary ip address in the primary ip address field and the primary ip address in the secondary ip address field and saved changes. went back to the agreement and it started working.

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