help me find this song please!


dont hurt'em hurst!
Dec 10, 2006
Wii Online Code
please guys you gotta help me. theres this song. i really like the song. its one of those sad rock songs. i had it on a older ipod. when i transfer the music to the new ipod it not there any more. i dont know the artist or the name of the song. one day i was humming it and then i really wanted to hear i couldnt find it. in the song hes talking about leaving his girl and about "meet me in the carport and i wont go" if youve heard it who sings it or ask me question about the song to help narrow it down, its driving me crazy its been stuck in my head to weeks and i have to hear it please.
I'd say the best thing to do is google the lyrics, if you know some.... you apparently know what the song sounds like which is a start, but try remember a verse, or even a line of the lyrics. Do you know the artist? Or any clues that could lead you to it? Where did you first discover the song?

I know how you feel man, I've been in that situation many-a-time
I couldn't blame you if it was one of the fray's songs.
"Everyone knows I'm i-in o-ver my head, o-ver m-y he-ad":cornut:
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Ezekiel86 said:
I'd say the best thing to do is google the lyrics, if you know some.... you apparently know what the song sounds like which is a start, but try remember a verse, or even a line of the lyrics. Do you know the artist? Or any clues that could lead you to it? Where did you first discover the song?

I know how you feel man, I've been in that situation many-a-time

pete yorn, undercover! thanks man. i finally found it. i had been using yahoo to search for the snippet of lyrics that i knew but wasnt getting any results. i really didnt even consider google until u sed something. man i really appreciate it ima listen to it until my ears bleed:thumbsup: :cornut:

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