HELP-Excite Truck no camera view change?


WiiChat Member
Feb 28, 2007
Hey guys, I am a newbie here...Heard so many good reviews about Nintendo Excite Truck and was able to get a copy today. However, I am frustrated that it seems there is no camera view change while driving???(I'd most like bumper view for all racing games)...Camera view change is only available at Replay??? Is there anyone had same questions or can help?
I don't think it's possible, or a good idea, simply because Excite Truck requires that you land on all 4 wheels for the boost. Winning without that would be spectacularly hard, and would be near impossible in bumper view.
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well...still would be neat to have this camera change available for players like me to just drive it more was that the answer that its just not possible in the game at all?
I cant imagine there being any way. Every button on the controller is mapped to something, or nothing. I've pressed all the buttons at some point, and haven't had a camera view change. Maybe check the options menus for some sort of switch.

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