HELP! Error code 52140


WiiChat Member
Dec 12, 2006
Cna someone please help me - after ages of trying to install the Wi-FI connector I have now done it and my PC is linked with my wii. The USB connector keeps flashing and when I do the connection check on the wii it says "error 52140" I dont know what to do! Can anyone give me a step by step guide of solving this problem?
I have the BT voyager wireless router with BT (funnily enough) and all I had to do was type in the WEP key, which was on the bottom of the router and job done. So on the bottom of the router might be a good place to start.
all u lucky guys who got a sig from wiired.. Im gettin better! anyway, no idea whats wrong... try lookin up on installin USB Wifi thingys..
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Ok I have a speedtouch 330 - is that a router? (im not very technical!) I've looked on the bottom and there are a couple of numbers. The USB connector is still flashing quickly - should it be doing this? what do I do now?
I am using the Nintendo USB Dongle where everything goes fine until the connection test and have had the error message 52140 and when moving to other rooms in the house I have also had error message 51340 and 52141. PLEASE HELP

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