R reecer6 WiiChat Member Mar 25, 2008 2 0 Mar 25, 2008 #1 Hi, i'm new here! I like mario so most of my threads will be about it. i'm also a member of isketch forum.
Hi, i'm new here! I like mario so most of my threads will be about it. i'm also a member of isketch forum.
K KHgamer WiiChat Member Mar 3, 2008 202 4 Mar 25, 2008 #2 welcome to wiichat! read the forum rules. hope you enjoy your stay!
K Kingston Mohh2 Name: TheHater Jun 19, 2007 336 2 Florida Mar 25, 2008 #4 Welcome, nay-bor-ee-no! It's always good to see a new member who didn't join solely to ask for Wii points or exchange friend codes!
Welcome, nay-bor-ee-no! It's always good to see a new member who didn't join solely to ask for Wii points or exchange friend codes!