Hello wiichat, im here to stay


Sep 18, 2007
hiya im new to this forum
and would like to take this time to introducec myself

im Red (my name on all forums)
im 16
im cool
im from uk
i have had my wii since UK launch

and well my personal goals by the end of this year.

To have helped improve wiichat,
To have at least 3 bars of rep
To have become a well known (for helping) in wiichat,

My goal by the end of next year.

To be one of the most well know and respected members of wiichat,
and possibly a mod.

any questions about me would be nice, and well hiya everyone.
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Oh, welcome Red! (=
Nice goals, and btw..
rep doesn't mean a thing..
It's pointless. Just saying :p
But yeah.. uhm, yeah.. lol!
Welcome to WiiChat, enjoy
your stay!

I would get my traditional welcome but I am tired and its late so it will be delayed.

So for now WELCOME!

Have any questions, just drop me a PM.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here.
Make sure to read the rules, and Pm me if you have any questions.

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