Hello, New to WiiChat


WiiChat Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Hi everyone, I'm new to the site. I found the site and had to join. I just recently got a Wii, and I'm really liking SMG and Mario Strikers so far, so I'm hoping I'll meet others who do too. Thanks for letting me join :)
G'day and welcome to the forums AceGamer19. :) I think you'll find a lot of people who enjoy SMG and Mario Strikers.
Yes, Super Mario Galaxy is a great game.
I would also suggest picking up Zelda Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 at some point.

Welcome to WiiChat..and oh it was no problem letting you in :wink:
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Thanks for the welcomes everyone!

CantGetAWii said:
Yes, Super Mario Galaxy is a great game.
I would also suggest picking up Zelda Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 at some point.

Welcome to WiiChat..and oh it was no problem letting you in :wink:
Which of those two would you recommend more? I've never really tried either of the series, but they both look fun. Thanks in advance.

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