Hello Im truth Bringer

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i0n I have sent you a personal email to discuss privatly.

But for all members, hear my cry.

i had my chance, i admit my failure. My vision ever since visiting this site was to bring peace between wii,say and wiichat.
To all i am Truth Bringer as well, in depth when i was interested in the wii, i signed up in two forums, wiichat and wii,say, almost stimutainously. I joined wii,say because it was an autralian site and i am of course, australian

Soon after my registrations, i have noticed stories upon the conflict between wii,say and wiichat. From ancient threads and members of wii,say. I noticed an ugly reation of wiichatters to wii,sayers, particully mt7calm's to truthbringer.

I saw very little good in these conflicts so i decided to change it, i stayed as diomedes for a while to discover stories in the forum. And fellow wii,sayers that i will not mention gave me their side of the story.

Provided with both sides of the situation, i decided to make a move. The most effective way was to create a duplicate member, know as truthbringer.

This genie pig of mine, had a goal to help me dig out furthor additional material. The way it seemed was to become a con seeker, to bring authority and reason. 'It' helped me enourmously, giving me vast parts of information. I was soon to do my strike. But then the violent reaction of a member ruined it all, banning truthbringer. And ultimately banning me, Diomedes.
I should have been more carefull.

But fellow wiichatters, and wii,sayers, also visiting guests, and expecially i0n. Do not think of me as a traitor, that was not my path. My goal was to bring peace into this terrible and meaningless conflict between wiichat and wii,say. Why must we have this, ultimatly us nintendo fans should support oursleves, for there is very few of us in english speaking countries. Why must we commit crime amoung us each other at this very time? Why must there be 'racist' and violent outbreaks between the forums. We are in a war here, and i want to stop it.
But unfortunaltly i failed, i hope this burden falls into another honest member's hands.

I will be unable to participate in this forum anymore due to my ban, and i apologise to my friend members, if i have any left, for my 'interference' with this forum. I may visit if the ban is lifted, ever, but not commonly.

Goodbye all wiichatters, but if you would accept my humble apology, i will still be with you, as my vision.

(why must the wii,say forum be censored when mentioned?)

*edit, please do not delete this thread, i beg you
You were never banned, your alias 'Truth Bringer' was.

Im not sure what you mean by war, if the crew at Wii-Say want to recruit new members by unethical means (Mass PM'ing members of other Wii forums with registration links) then so be it. I banned the ones that were doing it here and will continue to do so.

Apart from that, i couldnt really care less about them :)
Diomedes said:
i0n I have sent you a personal email to discuss privatly.

But for all members, hear my cry.

i had my chance, i admit my failure. My vision ever since visiting this site was to bring peace between wii,say and wiichat.
To all i am Truth Bringer as well, in depth when i was interested in the wii, i signed up in two forums, wiichat and wii,say, almost stimutainously. I joined wii,say because it was an autralian site and i am of course, australian

Soon after my registrations, i have noticed stories upon the conflict between wii,say and wiichat. From ancient threads and members of wii,say. I noticed an ugly reation of wiichatters to wii,sayers, particully mt7calm's to truthbringer.

I saw very little good in these conflicts so i decided to change it, i stayed as diomedes for a while to discover stories in the forum. And fellow wii,sayers that i will not mention gave me their side of the story.

Provided with both sides of the situation, i decided to make a move. The most effective way was to create a duplicate member, know as truthbringer.

This genie pig of mine, had a goal to help me dig out furthor additional material. The way it seemed was to become a con seeker, to bring authority and reason. 'It' helped me enourmously, giving me vast parts of information. I was soon to do my strike. But then the violent reaction of a member ruined it all, banning truthbringer. And ultimately banning me, Diomedes.
I should have been more carefull.

But fellow wiichatters, and wii,sayers, also visiting guests, and expecially i0n. Do not think of me as a traitor, that was not my path. My goal was to bring peace into this terrible and meaningless conflict between wiichat and wii,say. Why must we have this, ultimatly us nintendo fans should support oursleves, for there is very few of us in english speaking countries. Why must we commit crime amoung us each other at this very time? Why must there be 'racist' and violent outbreaks between the forums. We are in a war here, and i want to stop it.
But unfortunaltly i failed, i hope this burden falls into another honest member's hands.

I will be unable to participate in this forum anymore due to my ban, and i apologise to my friend members, if i have any left, for my 'interference' with this forum. I may visit if the ban is lifted, ever, but not commonly.

Goodbye all wiichatters, but if you would accept my humble apology, i will still be with you, as my vision.

(why must the wii,say forum be censored when mentioned?)

*edit, please do not delete this thread, i beg you

I had every right to say that cause YOU were giving wiichat crap and you were promoting ******. Dude you are a traitor and i highly doubt u were trying to bring 'peace' between wiichat and ******. And WTF, there is no freaking war u retard, no one is hurting anyone, the only thing bad that is happening is this: ****** are sending people to wiichat and trying to convert people. THAT IS NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO. I have never heard of wiichat doing anything to ******.
oh my god, you are doing the hurting to me now.

*Edit i will edit the post to get ur name out if thats what you want
No, please keep my name in their cause i am proud of wat i said. I stood up for wiichat while you were giving it crap.
i0n said:
Apart from that, i couldnt really care less about them :)

Then why dont you tell that to your members?
And you did ban Diomedes, after your discovery. Until you wanted my excuse

I will be leaving this site and hope to say hello soon on another forum!
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welcome truth bringer
its good to see people who dont have a care in the world about theses crises and only care about the wii.
I mean, its all about the wii isnt it?
Diomedes said:
Then why dont you tell that to your members?
And you did ban Diomedes, after your discovery. Until you wanted my excuse

I will be leaving this site and hope to say hello soon on another forum!

You are Diomedes, as you continued to post throughout this thread its evident you were never banned.

Leaving? Ok that's your decision.

Diomedes said:
its good to see people who dont have a care in the world about theses crises and only care about the wii.
I mean, its all about the wii isnt it?

Oh you're not leaving then? I presume you mean crisis, again enough with the dramatics.

To clarify, on discovering your dupe account Truth Bringer i blocked that account from making new threads, the posting ban only lasted about 10minutes though as i was keen to hear a reply from him (you) in this thread.

You decided to respond with your Diomedes account.
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