Hello...From Rhode Island


Wii Resistance is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
Rhode Island
Wii Online Code
Hello all fellow Wii Players. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Tig a 43 yr old gamer. I know what you are probably thinking what is the OLD man doing playing games. LOL but I have been playing videogames since the first pong game :yikes: and have been hooked ever since. So once again Hello and happy playing!!
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Thanks TtonJalken hopefully there are more than just me :wink: .... and forgot to mention anyone who would like to add my wii code feel free to do so.

The age range on the wii is amazing
3 to 60s
Where as the ps2 is more like 3 to 40s
Heyy there, welcome to the forum dude,

Hope to see ya posting around :)

Also glad to see some gaming veterans :thumbsup:

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