Hello from an Aussie!


WiiChat Member
Jan 9, 2011
Newcastle, Australia.
Wii Online Code
Hey all,
I've been a Wii owner for almost two years now, but have only recently really began to play it for myself. Before that my 6 year old Son mainly used it.

I love to play Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, House of the Dead: Overkill, Ghost Squad, Monster Hunter 3 and VC Games such as Street Fighter II.

Can't wait to find more fun games to play on the Wii, especially ones that utilize the Classic Controller. Hope to enjoy some friendly discussion, and perhaps find some other players who are into the same kind of games as myself.

Thanks for having me!
Welcome to Wiichat, you surely find people to play MHT, I myself don't play it but some in this forum surely do.
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Hey, thanks for the welcome.
I've recently switched from playing MHT as my main game to TvC; I can't seem to put that one down. So many characters to unlock, and a somewhat workable online mode.
Pity about the rage-quitters, though.

Thanks, skidmarx!
Hope to play MHT with you sometime.
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Yeah, I've found and joined the group - sadly there is only three current members.
Welcome to the forums Roar. Just a word of advice, you don't have to link your text to our profiles, FYI. :)
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Welcome to the forums Roar. Just a word of advice, you don't have to link your text to our profiles, FYI. :)

This I understand, but it apparently does it on it's own accord when you copy and paste a user's name from the forum. It's not intentional, I just prefer to copy and paste usernames so I don't accidentally spell them wrong.

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