Hello fellow members


WiiChat Member
Feb 6, 2012
United Kingdom
Hello everyone! ^_^

I have made an account a long time ago and I forgot that I had one :p So let me introduce myself, you all can call me Kings and I do enjoy playing Goldeneye 007, Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart Wii. Some of you might have seen me on GE since I do enjoy this game a lot. The reason why I have join this forum is to look for a challenge so you can either reply your GE, SSBB or MKW FC on this thread or you could always PM me! and also I am interested to join a clan for GE and MKW!
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Welcome (... back) t' Wiichat, KINGS. Hope ya enjoy the forums. :thumbsup: ... Don't forget 'bout us this time. :p

If ya have a passion for Brawl, GE and Pokemon on the side, I can tell ya right now you'll fit in here just fine. :lol: Shame we ain't got a Yugioh crowd 'round here. RockerJ 'n I are the only duelists on Wiichat which I know of, and I'm just a long-since retired tourneygoer. Ain't actively kept up with the game for more than a year sadly, Xyz formats just ain't my thing.
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Welcome (... back) t' Wiichat, KINGS. Hope ya enjoy the forums. :thumbsup: ... Don't forget 'bout us this time. :p

If ya have a passion for Brawl, GE and Pokemon on the side, I can tell ya right now you'll fit in here just fine. :lol: Shame we ain't got a Yugioh crowd 'round here. RockerJ 'n I are the only duelists on Wiichat which I know of, and I'm just a long-since retired tourneygoer. Ain't actively kept up with the game for more than a year sadly, Xyz formats just ain't my thing.

Thank you for the welcome everyone, I used to play Yugioh but haven't got a time do to so, I usually use duelist network to play since it is more affordable to play, so maybe someday we could duel.
Good ol' free DN. Name the time 'n format (preferably one prior to Xyzs, otherwise I'd be building a deck completely blind so I'd have to net deck lol) and you've got yourself a duel, good sir.

Judging from the signature, ya play heroes? Interested in 'em once they got all their OCG support, but never used a hero build all-that much. Not really aggressive enough for me.
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Good ol' free DN. Name the time 'n format (preferably one prior to Xyzs, otherwise I'd be building a deck completely blind so I'd have to net deck lol) and you've got yourself a duel, good sir.

Judging from the signature, ya play heroes? Interested in 'em once they got all their OCG support, but never used a hero build all-that much. Not really aggressive enough for me.

Yh I used to play Heroes to be honest, and still do for fun! :D
Welcome back, I am also a duelist, of the six samurai, to be exact, It is a shame I lost my deck. Curse you unclean home.

Wiichat's got four duelists on-site then. A 100% improvement from a month ago. :lol: I probably would'a given SixSam a spin if I was still a tourneygoer during the format where they got all sort'a support (which is to say, just having Gateway unlimited at 3 :lol: ).

Shien-Shi En lockdowns are pretty damn dirty, and I'm a fan of lockdown decks. Only sort of build I tend to use besides all-out offensive aggro. I still remember the days back when HorusDecree was almost broken... :lol:

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